
This is the ONTOX project's community at WikiPathways

The ONTOX Community aims to list and highlight molecular interaction pathways related to hepato-, nephro-, and neurodevelopmental toxicities. This collection is curated and maintained by biocurators and domain experts from the ONTOX project. The community features pathways involved in organ-specific toxicity responses. All pathway lists and related resources are publicly available and can be downloaded from dedicated GitHub repositories, with separate lists maintained for hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and neurodevelopmental toxicity pathways


Luiz C. M. Ladeira .

ONTOX collection

Community Pathways

Table Filters
This community helps to curate 408 pathways:

How to Contribute

The list of pathways is not static and can be updated at any time. If you know of a pathway that should be added, please contact one of the administrators, Luiz Ladeira (lcladeira[AT] or Bernard Staumont (b.staumont[AT]


This work was performed in the context of the ONTOX project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 963845. ONTOX is part of the ASPIS project cluster.

Community Members

Luiz C. M. Ladeira .

Authors of Community Pathways

Luiz C. M. Ladeira , Julivana , Friederike Ehrhart , Egon Willighagen , Alex Pico , Eric Weitz , Pierre Klemmer , Esther Umwamikazi , Aishwarya Iyer , Kristina Hanspers , Ninagerrekens , Javier Millán Acosta , JulietaCosta , Kieran Reidy , ElenaDR , Jolijn Hekma Wierda , Kay Veurink , Clarissa Falempin , Marvin Martens , Denise Slenter , Victor Avramov , Lauren J. Dupuis , Magda M. Latorre , Daria Shumkova , AAR&Co , Andika Tan , Anders Riutta , Ewoud , Conroy lipids , Lars Willighagen , Rens Eikelboom , Caroline F. Thorn , Jinwook.seo , Thomas Kelder , Martijn Van Iersel , Christine Chichester , Nuno , Martina Summer-Kutmon , Finterly Hu , Alexmadsen1 , NetPath , Lucien Cayer , Susan Coort , Andra Waagmeester , Frances , Adrien Defay , Jean Gonzales , Zahra Roudbari , Marianthi Kalafati , Arturo Manzo-Fontes P D , Andrew Kwa , Hubert Hug , Anwesha Bohler , Anna Baya Meuleman , Chris Evelo , Kelly Janssen , Pieter Giesbertz , Lynn M. Ferrante , Michiel Adriaens , Daniela Digles , Nathan Salomonis , Deborah Micael , Akhilesh Pandey , Eline Sanders , Irene Hemel , Robertbaertsch , Theodore T. Batalis , Laur S , James Bjork , Amnah Siddiqa , Elisa Cirillo , Stefan Raats , Rocheliene , Nhung Pham , Alexander C. Zambon , Angelika , Beth Lawlor , Marc Gillespie , Jildau Bouwman , Josip , Anam , Felix Rckert , Ryan Miller , Daniel Domingo-Fdez , Ismael Reyes , Paolo Romano , Lora Simons , John W. Newman , Zuzanna Lech , Prakamya Gupta , Rianne Fijten , Aminkhazeeitabari , Susan M. Bachmann , Viole H , Dr Luis Alberto Lightbourn P D , Josien Landman , Vfunari , Babiker Malik Osman , Dr. T. S. Keshava Prasad , Rex D A B , Jasmijn van Zaanen , Laetitia Flammang , Isabel Wassink , Iliana Campillo Sach , Bruce Conklin , Sergey Dmitriev , Badrul Yahaya , Jonathan Mélius , Samuel Sklar , Jeroen Pennings , Laurent Winckers , Britt Pieters , Eveline Schoenmaker , Velina Pencheva , Michael Lieberman , Patrick Ahles , Ned Mantei , Bart Smeets , Daniel Riggins , Tom Pauly , Eveline Peterse , Ritchie Lee , Ingebude , Alp Irkilmez , Lisa Koole , Lara Vreeswijk , Tim Zotti , Sebastien Burel , Ferry Jagers , Jack007 , Kdahlquist , Jonas Hummel , Stan Gaj , Vanessa Sousa , Xin Ding , Ernesto Diaz-Flores , David Koren , Veerle Horsting , Ado , Nina Valenbreder , Sam Drabbe , Amaury Pelzer , Maria van de Meent , Jesse Vercoulen , Enzo Chiaradia , Alexandra Bosch , Marek Ostaszewski , Amber Koning , Miriam Babukhian , Lea Doerner , Pepin Marshall , Roelod , Carlos J Pirola , Sabine Daemen , Mireille Sthijns , Madeline Kosho , Luigi Maiorana , Eric Jaehnig , Lina Schiffer , William J Griffiths , Laura Van Zon , Chun Chen , Robert C. Murphy , Andreas Zankl , Chesley De Windt , JT. Saito , Priyanka K , Licong , Jeroen Kearns , Danielle Truong , Egoyenechea , Jill Dunham , Damariz Rivero , Youssef Walid , Megi Kass , Elisson nl , Charles Redfern , Mark Scott , Anita Chow , Kushidat , Yasmin Omar , Lobke Meels , Essam Sharaf , Harm Nijveen , Nick Fidelman , The Herald , Mirk Baranzini , Mark A. Hershberger , Ambar21 , Wayan Monet , Emilia Agasi , Nasim Bahram Sangani , M Aguirre , Agustin Gonzalez-Vicente , Celine Malyar , Linda Rieswijk , Axel Weber , Joppe014 , Shamith Samarajiwa , Joops05 , Noopur Sinha , Mary-Elizabeth Patti , Federica Eduati , Congcong Yin , Anna De Brouwer , Raquel Grosman , Richard Delava , Sonia Balan , Nikita Krstevska , Celestecurreri , Cléophée Bruchou , Ellaverheggen , Peter Swanenberg , JJv Heijden , MysticArchers , Bingo , Chris Gillissen , Amadeo , Jacob Windsor , Claire Lemmens , Carlos Borroto , Dan Fornika , Gabriel Couillaud , Claire Billingsley , Kingson ''junsheng Thang'' Luc , Niradiz Reyes , Jesper , Anna Van Wersch , Joanna S. Fong , Bzhang , Dex Duncan , Julia Johnsson , Ann Friesacher , Boghog , Madhu Rohini , Cizar , Kufer , Neerincx a , Allan Kuchinsky , Humera Fiaz , Ellen Tuninsky , Arik , Mohhafez , Zhangx888 , KHALID RASHID , Xuyongdeng , Harald Schmidt , Robert Andrews , Mikhail Monakhov , Kristina Hettne , Marcell Levay , Rick Hendriks , Rollie , Cenna Doornbos , Elisa Santarsiero , Doreen Jost , Mario Zubak , Tade Idowu , Denise Kalbe , Fruzsina Magyar , Aysegul Celik , Nadia Simone Jonckheere , Aria Jadhav , Vinny Lynch , Pip van Lier , Melodyner , Diana Garcia , Ozan Ozisik , Rvanrosmeulen , Max Van Son , , Strand Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd , ReactomeTeam , Amy Kutmon , Ruke Achoja , Vand Conte , Lars Eijssen , XNauts , Anatolymikutin , Dan Bolser , Ray Andrews II , Miranda Stobbe , Sander Houten , Nurit Gal , Andrea Arias Sáez , Diana Brancadoro , Burak , Glenda Nicioli Da Silva , Jlw9 , Rik Lahaije , Dr. Renu Goel , Johannes W. Dietrich , Judith M. Boer , Zezhong Li , Ingrid Felicidade , Dr.P.R.Sudhakaran , Mzolisi Mtshaulana , Asios Olia , Lucia Ribeiro , Mingye Wang , Kim de Nooijer , Alvin Kho , Leonie Van De Ven , Marlen m , Sharona Elgavish , Ericwexler , Giovanna Valenti , Trovato Angela , and Ramesh .