Insulin signaling in adipocytes (diabetic condition) (WP3635)

Homo sapiens

The paper describes insulin signaling in human adipocytes under normal and diabetic states using mathematical models based on experimental data. This model corresponds to insulin signaling under diabetic condition. Insulin signaling under normal condition is represented in WP3634. The model has been converted to GPML using the PathSBML plugin from PathVisio, importing the model BIOMD0000000449 from the BioModels Database directly. The layout has been improved manually.


Anwesha Bohler , Kristina Hanspers , Andika Tan , Egon Willighagen , and Eric Weitz


last edited

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Homo sapiens




Disease Ontology

diabetes mellitus

Pathway Ontology

insulin signaling pathway

Cell Type Ontology

fat cell


Label Type Compact URI Comment
Xp Metabolite kegg.compound:C00562
X Metabolite chebi:36080
AS160p GeneProduct pato:PATO:0002220
IRins Protein uniprot:P06213
IR Protein uniprot:P06213
IRp Protein uniprot:P06213
IRip Protein uniprot:P06213
IRi Protein uniprot:P06213
IRS1p Protein uniprot:P35568
IRS1 Protein uniprot:P35568
IRS1p307 Protein uniprot:P35568
mTORC1a Protein uniprot:P42345
IRS1307 Protein uniprot:P35568
mTORC1 Protein uniprot:P42345
PKB308p Protein uniprot:P31751
PKB308p473p Protein uniprot:P31751
mTORC2a Protein uniprot:P42345
mTORC2 Protein uniprot:P42345
PKB Protein uniprot:P31751
PKB473p Protein uniprot:P31751
AS160 Protein uniprot:O60343
GLUT4m Protein uniprot:P14672
GLUT4 Protein uniprot:P14672
S6Kp Protein uniprot:P23443
S6K Protein uniprot:P23443
S6p Protein uniprot:P62753
S6 Protein uniprot:P62753


  1. Insulin signaling in type 2 diabetes: experimental and modeling analyses reveal mechanisms of insulin resistance in human adipocytes. Brännmark C, Nyman E, Fagerholm S, Bergenholm L, Ekstrand EM, Cedersund G, et al. J Biol Chem. 2013 Apr 5;288(14):9867–80. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia