Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation disorders (WP5123)
Homo sapiens
Fatty Acids (FAs) consists of several chain lengths (short, medium and long chain), which all need to be converted to CoA-bound esters to cross the inner mitochondrial membrane. The long-chain lengths however also need additional carnitine esterification. Several diseases are linked to the proteins in this pathway, which can be categorized into four groups: 1. entry of long-chain FAs into mitochondria disorders; 2. intra-mitochondrial beta-oxidation membrane-bound proteins defects involving long-chain FAs; 3. intra-mitochondrial beta-oxidation matrix proteins defects involving short and medium-chain FAs; 4. impaired electron transfer to Oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system. This pathway has been inspired by Chapter 17 of the book of Blau (ISBN 3642403360 (978-3642403361)), edition 4 and build on top of the original Mitochondrial long chain fatty acid beta-oxidation pathway. Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the CPTAC Assay Portal.
Denise Slenter , Egon Willighagen , Aishwarya Iyer , Alex Pico , Kristina Hanspers , and Eric WeitzActivity
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Homo sapiensCommunities
Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD) Pathways ONTOXAnnotations
Disease Ontology
carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency carnitine palmitoyltransferase I deficiency carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase deficiencyPathway Ontology
fatty acid beta degradation pathway fatty acid beta degradation pathway classic metabolic pathway carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase deficiency carnitine palmitoyltransferase I deficiency pathwayLabel | Type | Compact URI | Comment |
3-Ketoacyl-CoA | Metabolite | chebi:57347 | |
Acetyl-CoA | Metabolite | cas:72-89-9 | |
Trans-D2-enoyl-CoA | Metabolite | chebi:10723 | |
Acyl-CoA (n-2) | Metabolite | chebi:17984 | |
CoASH | Metabolite | chebi:15346 | |
Long chain acyl-CoA | Metabolite | chebi:83139 | |
Carnitine | Metabolite | chebi:3424 | |
Long chain fatty acid | Metabolite | chebi:15904 | |
C12 FA | Metabolite | chebi:141075 | |
C14 FA | Metabolite | chebi:140940 | |
C16 FA | Metabolite | chebi:140943 | |
C18 FA | Metabolite | chebi:140947 | |
C15 FA | Metabolite | chebi:140942 | |
C17 FA | Metabolite | chebi:140945 | |
C7 FA | Metabolite | chebi:141070 | |
C8 FA | Metabolite | chebi:141071 | |
C9 FA | Metabolite | chebi:141072 | |
C10 FA | Metabolite | chebi:78118 | Annotated with anion ID |
C4 FA | Metabolite | chebi:78115 | Annotated with anion ID |
C6 FA | Metabolite | chebi:78116 | Annotated with anion ID |
SCP2 | GeneProduct | ncbigene:6342 | |
EHHADH | GeneProduct | ncbigene:1962 | |
DCI | GeneProduct | ncbigene:1632 | |
ACADS | GeneProduct | ncbigene:35 | |
HADHA | GeneProduct | ncbigene:3030 | similiar to: ECHA RAT |
ACADL | GeneProduct | ncbigene:33 | |
ACADM | GeneProduct | ncbigene:34 | |
HADHSC | GeneProduct | ncbigene:3033 | |
PECR | GeneProduct | ncbigene:55825 | |
ACSL4 | GeneProduct | ncbigene:2182 | |
ACSL1 | GeneProduct | ncbigene:2180 | |
ACSL2 | GeneProduct | ncbigene:80221 | |
ACSL3 | GeneProduct | ncbigene:2181 | |
SLC22A5 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O76082 | AKA OCTN2 |
CPT1A | Protein | ncbigene:1374 | |
ACADS | Protein | uniprot:P16219 | short-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase |
LCHAD | Protein | uniprot:P40939 | long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenasePosition 498+510 in amino acid sequence [PMID:30850536] |
CPT2 | Protein | ncbigene:1376 | |
SLC25A20 | Protein | uniprot:O43772 | AKA CACT |
ACADL | Protein | uniprot:P28330 | long-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase |
ACADM | Protein | uniprot:P11310 | medium-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase |
ACADVL | Protein | uniprot:P49748 | aka VLCAD |
LCEH | Protein | uniprot:P40939 | long-chain enoyl-CoA hydratasePosition 151+173 in amino acid sequence [PMID:30850536] |
LKAT | Protein | uniprot:P55084 | long-chain 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase |
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