Mitochondrial complex I assembly model OXPHOS system (WP4324)

Homo sapiens

This pathway shows how all 45 different subunits are assembled into complex 1 (relevant for the electron transport chain, also known as OXPHOS system), which chaperones (visualized with a small circle and a “C’) and which post-translational modifications (a dimethylation on NDUFS2 and hydroxylation on NDUFS7, both in the Q-module) are needed for this assembly. Most of the steps involved in this intricate process have been described in separate literature references, which have been combined in a review by Alba Signes and Erika Fernandez-Vizarra. If possible (based on the size of the protein in KD and available protein structures in Uniprot), the color of the protein structure drawings have been matched to the annotated protein DataNodes. Abbreviations: IM, inner membrane; IMS, intermembrane space.


Denise Slenter , Egon Willighagen , Eric Weitz , and Kristina Hanspers


last edited

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Homo sapiens


ONTOX Serious Request 2024 - MetaKids


Pathway Ontology

oxidative phosphorylation pathway electron transport chain pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
[4Fe-4A]clusters Metabolite chebi:64607
MT-ND5 Protein uniprot:P03915 67 KD
NDUFB2 Protein uniprot:O95178 12 KD
NDUFB3 Protein uniprot:O43676 ~12 KD
NDUFB7 Protein uniprot:P17568 16.4 KD
NDUFB8 Protein uniprot:O95169 22 KD
NDUFB9 Protein uniprot:Q9Y6M9 22 KD
NDUFAB1 Protein uniprot:O14561 ~16 KD
DMAC1 Protein uniprot:Q96GE9 DMAC1/TMEM261 is implicated in the stabilization and/or assembly of the ND5-module
11,8 KD
NDUFAF2 Protein uniprot:Q8N183 Stabilising intermediated only lacking the N-module
NDUFS3 Protein uniprot:O75489 30.2 KDa (protein atlas)
NDUFB5 Protein uniprot:O43674
TIMMDC1 Protein uniprot:Q9NPL8 aka C3ORF1
remains bound to the Q/ND1 subassembly until the last maturation steps.
MT-ND4 Protein uniprot:P03905 52 Kda
NDUFAF3 Protein uniprot:Q9BU61 Chaperone
FOXRED1 Protein uniprot:Q96CU9
NDUFV1 Protein uniprot:P49821
NDUFA5 Protein uniprot:Q16718 13.5 KD
MT-ND1 Protein uniprot:P03886
NDUFA1 Protein uniprot:O15239 8.1 KD
COA1 Protein uniprot:Q9GZY4 Chaperone
MT-ND3 Protein uniprot:Q9GZY4
TMEM126B Protein uniprot:Q8IUX1 Not in Figure at first step, but written down in text!
NDUFS1 Protein uniprot:P28331
TMEM186 Protein uniprot:Q96B77 Chaperone
NDUFA6 Protein uniprot:P56556
NDUFA3 Protein uniprot:O95167 9.3 KD
NDUFV2 Protein uniprot:P19404
NDUFA2 Protein uniprot:O43678
NDUFA7 Protein uniprot:O95182
NDUFA12 Protein uniprot:Q9UI09
NDUFS4 Protein uniprot:O43181
NDUFS6 Protein uniprot:O75380
NDUFV3 Protein uniprot:P56181
NDUFB10 Protein uniprot:O96000
NDUFB11 Protein uniprot:Q9NX14
NDUFB6 Protein uniprot:O95139
NDUFB1 Protein uniprot:O75438 7 KD
NDUFB4 Protein uniprot:O95168 15 Kd
Not believed to be involved in catalysis
ATP5SL Protein uniprot:Q9NW81
TMEM70 Protein uniprot:Q9BUB7 aka cV assembly factor
MTND2 Protein uniprot:P03891
NDUFC1 Protein uniprot:O43677
NDUFC2 Protein uniprot:O95298
NDUFAF1 Protein uniprot:Q9Y375 aka CIA30
ECSIT Protein uniprot:Q9BQ95
ACAD9 Protein uniprot:Q9H845
MT-ND6 Protein uniprot:P03923 18 KD
MT-ND4L Protein uniprot:P03901 11 KD
NDUFAF1 Protein uniprot:Q9Y375
NDUFA10 Protein uniprot:O95299 41KD
NDUFS5 Protein uniprot:O43920 15KD
TMEM186 Protein uniprot:Q96B77
COA1 Protein uniprot:Q9GZY4
NDUFAF6 Protein uniprot:Q330K2 38.2 kDa
seems to participate in the assembly of the Q-module
necessary to maintain normal MT-ND1 synthesis
NUBPL Protein uniprot:Q8TB37
NDUFS2 Protein uniprot:O75306 49 KD
NDUFAF7 Protein uniprot:Q7L592 49.2 kD (proteinatlas)
NDUFS8 Protein uniprot:O 23,7 KD
The encoded protein(TYKY) contains two [4Fe-4S] ferredoxin consensus patterns [PMID: 9837812]
NDUFAF5 Protein uniprot:Q
NDUFS7 Protein uniprot:O 20 kD
NDUFS7 Protein uniprot:O
NDUFAF4 Protein uniprot:Q9P032 Chaperone
NDUFAF3 Protein uniprot:Q9BU61 Chaperone
Remain bound to this module until the final assembly steps
NDUFAF4 Protein uniprot:Q9P032 Chaperone
Remain bound to this module until the final assembly steps
NDUFA8 Protein uniprot:P51970 20 kD
NDUFA13 Protein uniprot:Q9P0J0 17 kD


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