GPCRs, class B secretin-like (WP334)

Homo sapiens

This pathway was created using the GPCRDB (Horn et al., 1998), (originally at The groupings are based on the GPCR phylogenetic tree available from the GPCRDB and the training sets used by Karchin et al. (Bioinformatics, 2002, pg. 147-159). The labels indicate children and grandchildren of the various classes of GPCRs as described by these references.


Nathan Salomonis , Alex Pico , Bruce Conklin , Kristina Hanspers , Egon Willighagen , and Eric Weitz


last edited

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Homo sapiens



Pathway Ontology

G protein mediated signaling pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
CALCR GeneProduct ncbigene:799
CALCRL GeneProduct ncbigene:10203
CRHR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:1394
CRHR2 GeneProduct ncbigene:1395
GIPR GeneProduct ncbigene:2696
GLP2R GeneProduct ncbigene:9340
GLP1R GeneProduct ncbigene:2740
GCGR GeneProduct ncbigene:2642
GHRHR GeneProduct ncbigene:2692
PTHR2 GeneProduct ncbigene:5746
PTHR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:5745
ADCYAP1R1 GeneProduct ncbigene:117
SCTR GeneProduct ncbigene:6344
VIPR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:7433
VIPR2 GeneProduct ncbigene:7434
CD97 GeneProduct ncbigene:976
EMR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:2015
EMR2 GeneProduct ncbigene:30817
LPHN1 GeneProduct ncbigene:22859
LPHN2 GeneProduct ncbigene:23266
LPHN3 GeneProduct ncbigene:23284
ELTD1 GeneProduct ncbigene:64123
GPR64 GeneProduct ncbigene:10149


  1. GPCRDB: an information system for G protein-coupled receptors. Horn F, Weare J, Beukers MW, Hörsch S, Bairoch A, Chen W, et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 Jan 1;26(1):275–9. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Classifying G-protein coupled receptors with support vector machines. Karchin R, Karplus K, Haussler D. Bioinformatics. 2002 Jan;18(1):147–59. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia