Lipid particles composition (WP3601)

Homo sapiens

This particle describes the chemical composition of various lipid particles. See also WP430 for a basic overview of cholesterol synthesis, and for the disease related to the lipoproteins in this pathway see WP4522. Additional sources A. Goldberg, Overview of Lipid Metabolism, 2015..


Egon Willighagen , Anders Riutta , Denise Slenter , Eric Weitz , and Kristina Hanspers


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Homo sapiens




Pathway Ontology

lipid metabolic pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
ROS Metabolite chebi:26523
cholesterylester Metabolite chebi:17002
HDL Metabolite chebi:39025
cholesterol Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0000067
TG Metabolite chebi:17855
FA Metabolite chebi:35366
LDL Metabolite chebi:39026
VLDL Metabolite chebi:39027
glycerol Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0000131
oxLDL Metabolite chebi:60151
CETP GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000087237
LDLR GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000130164
LCAT GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000213398
LPL GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000175445
Apo C-III Protein uniprot:P02656
Apo C-II Protein uniprot:P02655
Apo A-II Protein uniprot:P02652
Apo E Protein uniprot:P02649
Apo A-I Protein uniprot:P02647
Apo B-100 Protein uniprot:P04114


  1. Apolipoprotein E: cholesterol transport protein with expanding role in cell biology. Mahley RW. Science. 1988 Apr 29;240(4852):622–30. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Lewis A. Conner Memorial Lecture. Oxidative modification of LDL and atherogenesis. Steinberg D. Circulation. 1997 Feb 18;95(4):1062–71. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia