DNA damage response (WP707)
Homo sapiens
This is the first pathway out of two pathways which deals with DNA damage response. It has two central gene products (ATM and ATR) which are connected to the sources of DNA damage (in blue). The two central genes can be divides furthermore into their most important genes. In the ATM pathway are the most important genes TP53 and CHEK2 and on the other hand in the ATR pathway is this CHEK1. If it is not mentioned different, the processes take place in the cell cytoplasm. The goal of this first pathway is to give an overview of the most important gene products, processes and changes in the cell condition through the DNA damage response pathway and at the same time to keep it clearly arranged. Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the CPTAC Assay Portal.
Jonas Hummel , Alex Pico , Stan Gaj , Martina Summer-Kutmon , Martijn Van Iersel , Christine Chichester , Daniela Digles , Kristina Hanspers , Zahra Roudbari , Egon Willighagen , Ryan Miller , Finterly Hu , Eric Weitz , and Vanessa SousaActivity
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Cited In
- Shared Genetic Risk Factors Between Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases (2022).
- Identification of CCNB2 as A Potential Non-Invasive Breast Cancer Biomarker in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Using The Systems Biology Approach (2021).
- Biological and clinical features of triple negative Invasive Lobular Carcinomas of the breast. Clinical outcome and actionable molecular alterations☆ (2021).
- A genetic map of the response to DNA damage in human cells (2020).
- The double dealing of cyclin D1 (2020).
- MicroRNA expression profiling of Xp11 renal cell carcinoma (2017).
- Long Term Culture of the A549 Cancer Cell Line Promotes Multilamellar Body Formation and Differentiation towards an Alveolar Type II Pneumocyte Phenotype (2016).
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Homo sapiensCommunities
CPTAC ONTOX PancCanNetAnnotations
Pathway Ontology
DNA damage response pathway p53 signaling pathway stress response pathwayReferences
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