Axon guidance (WP5289)

Homo sapiens

Axon guidance forms neuronal networks. Axons are guided by factors including netrins, ephrins, Slits, and semaphorins. These guidance cues interact with growth cone receptors, and downstream signal transduction pathways converge onto Rho GTPases which change in cytoskeletal organization. Those cytoskeletal changes determine which way the growth cone will turn. This pathway is derived from


Luiz C. M. Ladeira , Kristina Hanspers , and Eric Weitz


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Homo sapiens



Pathway Ontology

signaling pathway pertinent to the brain and nervous system

Cell Type Ontology



Label Type Compact URI Comment
Ca2+ Metabolite chebi:29108
DCC Protein refseq:NM_005215
LRRC4C Protein ensembl:ENSG00000148948
CFL1 Protein ensembl:ENSG00000172757
RHOA Protein hgnc:667
PLXNA1 Protein ensembl:ENSG00000114554
NRP1 Protein ncbigene:8829
L1CAM Protein uniprot:P32004
SEMA3A Protein refseq:NM_006080
FES Protein refseq:NM_002005
FYN Protein hgnc.symbol:FYN
CDK5 Protein hgnc.symbol:CDK5
PLCG1 Protein hgnc:9065
DPYSL5 Protein uniprot:Q9BPU6
DPYSL2 Protein refseq:NM_001386
PLXNB2 Protein hgnc:9104
SEMA4F Protein hgnc:10734
SEMA5B Protein ncbigene:54437
SEMA6C Protein ensembl:ENSG00000143434
SEMA7A Protein ncbigene:8482
MET Protein hgnc.symbol:MET
PLXNC1 Protein hgnc:9106
PTK2 Protein hgnc:9611
ITGB1 Protein refseq:NM_002211
RAC1 Protein ncbigene:5879
PAK4 Protein hgnc:16059
RRAS Protein hgnc.symbol:RRAS
RND1 Protein hgnc:18314
ARHGEF12 Protein refseq:NM_015313
SRC Protein uniprot:P12931
RAF1 Protein ensembl:ENSG00000132155
MAPK1 Protein ensembl:ENSG00000100030
SHH Protein uniprot:Q15465
PTCH1 Protein refseq:NM_000264
SMO Protein hgnc:11119
BOC Protein ncbigene:91653
PRKCA Protein hgnc.symbol:PRKCA
ILK Protein ensembl:ENSG00000166333
WNT5A Protein hgnc.symbol:WNT5A
FZD3 Protein hgnc.symbol:FZD3
RYK Protein ensembl:ENSG00000163785
TRPC1 Protein hgnc.symbol:TRPC1
CAMK2A Protein hgnc:1460
WNT4 Protein ensembl:ENSG00000162552
UNC5D Protein uniprot:Q6UXZ4
PIK3CA Protein hgnc:8975
PDPK1 Protein ensembl:ENSG00000140992
PRKCZ Protein ncbigene:5590
PARD3 Protein hgnc.symbol:PARD3
PARD6A Protein ensembl:ENSG00000102981
PPP3CA Protein hgnc:9314
NTN1 Protein hgnc:8029
BMPR2 Protein ncbigene:659
BMPR1B Protein ncbigene:658
BMP7 Protein hgnc:1074
GDF7 Protein hgnc.symbol:GDF7
LIMK1 Protein hgnc:6613
NTN3 Protein ncbigene:4917
CDC42 Protein ncbigene:998
NCK2 Protein hgnc:7665
GSK3B Protein hgnc.symbol:GSK3B
NTN4 Protein ncbigene:59277
LRRC4 Protein hgnc:15586
NCK1 Protein ensembl:ENSG00000158092
PTPN11 Protein hgnc:9644
NFATC2 Protein hgnc:7776
ROCK1 Protein ncbigene:6093
ABLIM3 Protein uniprot:O94929
NEO1 Protein hgnc:7754
LRIG2 Protein ncbigene:9860
NTNG1 Protein hgnc:23319
RGMA Protein ncbigene:56963
MYL12B Protein ncbigene:103910
EPHA2 Protein hgnc.symbol:EPHA2
EPHB1 Protein hgnc.symbol:EPHB1
ABL1 Protein ensembl:ENSG00000097007
NTNG2 Protein refseq:NM_032536
RASA1 Protein refseq:NM_002890
NGEF Protein uniprot:Q8N5V2
ENAH Protein refseq:NM_018212
HRAS Protein ensembl:ENSG00000174775
EFNA1 Protein ncbigene:1942
EFNB1 Protein uniprot:P98172
CXCR4 Protein refseq:NM_001008540
CXCL12 Protein uniprot:P48061
RGS3 Protein hgnc:9999
GNAI1 Protein refseq:NM_002069
ROBO2 Protein refseq:NM_001128929
ROBO1 Protein uniprot:Q9Y6N7
SLIT1 Protein hgnc.symbol:SLIT1
SLIT2 Protein ncbigene:9353
SLIT3 Protein hgnc.symbol:SLIT3
ROBO3 Protein refseq:NM_022370
SRGAP2 Protein refseq:NM_015326
RHOD Protein uniprot:O00212


  1. Quantitative profiling of axonal guidance proteins during the differentiation of human neurospheres. Goto-Silva L, Martins M, Murillo JR, Souza LRQ, Vitória G, Oliveira JT, et al. Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom. 2021 Aug;1869(8):140656. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia