Sialylation (WP5151)

Homo sapiens

This pathway describes the biosynthesis, activation and transfer of the sialic acid Neu5Ac to glycoproteins. Sialic acids are acidic sugar molecules that commonly occur as the terminal sugar as part of glycoproteins and glycolipids on the surface of cells. Sialylated conjugates play important roles in many processes, including cell recognition and signaling, neuronal development, cancer metastasis and bacterial or viral infection. The two most commonly mammalian sialic acids are N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc). This pathway was modeled based on Figure 1 from Zhou et al.


Kristina Hanspers , Eric Weitz , and Egon Willighagen


last edited

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Homo sapiens




Pathway Ontology

regulatory pathway protein modification pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
CMP-N-acetyl-beta-neuraminic acid Metabolite chebi:16556
UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosamine Metabolite chebi:16264
Aldehydo-N-acetyl-D-mannosamine 6-phosphate Metabolite chebi:28273
N-acetyl-D-mannosamine Metabolite chebi:63153
N-acetylneuraminic acid 9-phosphate Metabolite chebi:27438
N-acetylneuraminic acid Metabolite chebi:17012
Glucose Metabolite chebi:17234
GNE GeneProduct ncbigene:10020
NANS GeneProduct ncbigene:54187
NANP GeneProduct ncbigene:54187
CMAS GeneProduct ncbigene:55907
SLC35A1 GeneProduct ncbigene:10559


  1. Biological Functions and Analytical Strategies of Sialic Acids in Tumor. Zhou X, Yang G, Guan F. Cells. 2020 Jan 22;9(2):273. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia