Neural crest differentiation (WP2064)
Homo sapiens
Gene regulatory network model of cranial neural crest cell (CNCC) development, adaped from PMID: 19575671. Most interactions in the model are proposed to regulate transcription of core factors involved involved in neural crest and downstream progenitor specification. Transcriptional regulation arrows are proposed to promote transcription, unless a graphical T-bar is present at the end of the arrow (commented to be inhibitors of transcriptional regulation). Additional gene information was obtained from When citing this pathway, please reference the source publication (PMID: 19575671). Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the CPTAC Assay Portal
Nathan Salomonis , Kristina Hanspers , Zahra Roudbari , Egon Willighagen , and Eric WeitzActivity
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Homo sapiensCommunities
Pathway Ontology
regulatory pathwayCell Type Ontology
neural crest derived neuron migratory cranial neural crest cellReferences
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