This organism has 130 curated pathways:
Rat pathways
This page lists all pathways relevant to Rat.
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Table FiltersThis organism has 130 curated pathways:
- ACE inhibitor pathway - WP557
- ATM signaling pathway - WP654
- Acetate mediated promotion of metabolic syndrome - WP3650
- Acetylcholine synthesis - WP360
- Adipogenesis - WP155
- Aflatoxin B1 metabolism - WP1300
- Amino acid conjugation of benzoic acid - WP1287
- Angiotensin II signaling (acute) in thick ascending limbs - WP3887
- Apoptosis - WP1290
- Apoptosis modulation by HSP70 - WP487
- Beta-oxidation meta-pathway - WP372
- Beta-oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids - WP418
- Biosynthesis of aldosterone and cortisol - WP508
- Brain derived neurotrophic factor - WP2148
- Burn wound healing - WP5057
- CFTR activity in the plasma membrane - WP1488
- Cardiovascular signaling - WP590
- Catecholamine synthesis - WP513
- Cholesterol metabolism - WP632
- Complement and coagulation cascades - WP547
- EBV LMP1 signaling - WP1278
- EPO receptor signaling - WP1284
- ErbB signaling pathway - WP1299
- Estrogen metabolism - WP1302
- Estrogen signaling - WP1279
- Ethanol metabolism resulting in production of ROS by CYP2E1 - WP4268
- Fatty acid biosynthesis - WP504
- Fatty acid omega-oxidation - WP133
- Focal adhesion - WP188
- Folic acid network - WP1311
- Fructose metabolism in proximal tubules - WP3894
- G protein signaling pathways - WP73
- G1 to S cell cycle control - WP348
- G13 signaling pathway - WP520
- GPCRs, class A rhodopsin-like - WP473
- GPCRs, class B secretin-like - WP378
- GPCRs, class C metabotropic glutamate, pheromone - WP42
- GPCRs, other - WP409
- Genetic alterations of lung cancer - WP1968
- Glucocorticoid effect on target gene expression - WP1963
- Glucocorticoid metabolism - WP305
- Glucuronidation - WP1276
- Glutathione metabolism - WP469
- Glycogen metabolism - WP160
- Hedgehog signaling pathway - WP574
- Heme biosynthesis - WP86
- Hepatocyte growth factor receptor signaling - WP94
- Hexoses metabolism in proximal tubules - WP3916
- Homologous recombination - WP1296
- Hypertrophy model - WP442
- Hypothetical network for drug addiction - WP1281
- ID signaling pathway - WP397
- IL-1 signaling pathway - WP355
- IL-2 signaling pathway - WP569
- IL-3 signaling pathway - WP319
- IL-5 signaling pathway - WP44
- IL-6 signaling pathway - WP135
- IL-9 signaling pathway - WP8
- Inflammatory response pathway - WP40
- Insulin induced PI3K-Akt and MAPK in hepatocytes - WP4229
- Insulin signaling - WP439
- Integrin-mediated cell adhesion - WP74
- Interactions between CFTR and other ion channels - WP1485
- Intracellular trafficking of CFTR - WP1486
- Irinotecan pathway - WP124
- Kit receptor signaling pathway - WP147
- Lipid droplet metabolism - WP3901
- MAPK signaling pathway - WP358
- Matrix metalloproteinases - WP278
- Metapathway biotransformation - WP1286
- Methylation - WP1282
- Mismatch repair - WP1295
- Mitochondrial gene expression - WP1301
- Monoamine GPCRs - WP276
- Myometrial relaxation and contraction pathways - WP140
- Nod-like receptor (NLR) signaling pathway - WP1294
- Non-homologous end joining - WP1277
- Notch signaling pathway - WP517
- Nuclear factor, erythroid-derived 2, like 2 signaling pathway - WP2376
- Nuclear receptors - WP217
- Nuclear receptors in lipid metabolism and toxicity - WP139
- Nucleotide GPCRs - WP502
- Nucleotide metabolism - WP146
- One-carbon metabolism - WP1292
- Osteoblast signaling - WP227
- Osteoclast - WP489
- Oxidative phosphorylation - WP1283
- Oxidative stress response - WP173
- Pentose phosphate pathway - WP282
- Peptide GPCRs - WP131
- Phase I biotransformations, non-P450 - WP1291
- Polyol pathway - WP1303
- Prostaglandin synthesis and regulation - WP303
- Proteasome degradation - WP302
- Proximal tubule transporters - WP3881
- Regulation of actin cytoskeleton - WP351
- Relationship between glutathione and NADPH - WP2562
- Renin-angiotensin system - WP376
- Retinol metabolism - WP1297
- S1P receptor signal transduction - WP1312
- Selenium metabolism selenoproteins - WP1293
- Selenium micronutrient network - WP1310
- Serotonin and anxiety - WP2132
- Small ligand GPCRs - WP161
- Spinal cord injury - WP2433
- Statin pathway - WP145
- Steroid biosynthesis - WP66
- Striated muscle contraction - WP316
- Sulindac metabolic pathway - WP2541
- Synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies - WP349
- TCA cycle - WP347
- TNF-alpha NF-kB signaling pathway - WP457
- TNF-alpha and mucus production in lung epythelium - WP1487
- Thick ascending limb transporters - WP3882
- Toll-like receptor signaling pathway - WP1309
- Transcriptional activation by Nfe2l2 in response to phytochemicals - WP1280
- Translation factors - WP149
- Tryptophan metabolism - WP270
- Type II interferon signaling (IFNG) - WP1289
- VEGF-receptor signal transduction - WP1965
- VEGFR-3 signaling - WP1964
- Vanillin and isovanillin metabolism - WP4501
- Wnt myofibroblastic activation of hepatic stellate cells - WP3649
- Wnt signaling pathway - WP375
- Wnt signaling pathway and pluripotency - WP1288
- mRNA processing - WP529
- mir219 in oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination - WP2811
- p38 Mapk signaling pathway - WP294
- p53 pathway - WP655
- p53 signal pathway - WP656