Intracellular trafficking of CFTR (WP1486)

Rattus norvegicus

This pathway describes the mechanism of endo- and exocytosis of CFTR channel, based on the article: “New insights into cystic fibrosis: molecular switches that regulate CFTR” by Guggino et al. 2006. On the left side (in red) the endocytic mechanism is shown. Respectively in green on the right sight the exocytic mechanism. We integrated the functions of PDZ proteins, SNAREs and Rho GTPases.


Thomas Theelen , Kristina Hanspers , Daniela Digles , Martina Summer-Kutmon , Egon Willighagen , and Friederike Ehrhart


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Rattus norvegicus



Pathway Ontology

protein transport pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
Cftr GeneProduct ensembl:ENSRNOG00000055103
Ezrin GeneProduct ensembl:ENSRNOG00000018524
Slc9a3r1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSRNOG00000003232
Rab7 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSRNOG00000012247
Cal GeneProduct ensembl:ENSRNOG00000011774
Rab11a GeneProduct ensembl:ENSRNOG00000011302
Myo6 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSRNOG00000011852
Myosin-VI GeneProduct ensembl:ENSRNOG00000011852
Tc10 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSRNOG00000015415
Cftr Protein ensembl:ENSRNOG00000055103
Slc9a3r1 Protein ensembl:ENSRNOG00000003232
Rab9 Protein ensembl:ENSRNOG00000030443
Cal Protein ensembl:ENSRNOG00000011774
Rab5a Protein ensembl:ENSRNOG00000057056
Rab11a Protein ensembl:ENSRNOG00000011302


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