Welcome to the Micronutrient Community at WikiPathways
Here you can access and collaborate in the construction of pathways and networks focused on the biological activity of micronutrients. This community is maintained by individual scientists collaborating in the Micronutrient Genomics Project (MGP). In that paper the need for this portal was described as: Essentially, the micronutrient genetics project aims at identifying all relevant genetic variations related to the biological activity on a specific micronutrient. In doing so, we will organize this information in a biological perspective, i.e. pathway and biological network oriented visual browsers. Controversially, for many micronutrients the biological knowledge is still fragmented. Thus, a flexible and editable browser with both a wiki-editable and a permanent interface will be implemented. The genetic variation on specific genes will be derived from the basic databases embedded in the human variome project. A bioinformatics team is established that will construct and maintain these web-based interfaces.
Community Pathways
Table FiltersThis community helps to curate 11 pathways:
- Effects of nitric oxide - WP1995 (Homo sapiens)
- Folate metabolism - WP176 (Homo sapiens)
- Iron metabolism in placenta - WP2007 (Homo sapiens)
- One-carbon metabolism - WP1292 (Rattus norvegicus)
- One-carbon metabolism - WP241 (Homo sapiens)
- One-carbon metabolism - WP435 (Mus musculus)
- Selenium metabolism and selenoproteins - WP28 (Homo sapiens)
- Selenium micronutrient network - WP15 (Homo sapiens)
- Thyroxine (thyroid hormone) production - WP1981 (Homo sapiens)
- Vitamin A and carotenoid metabolism - WP716 (Homo sapiens)
- Vitamin D metabolism - WP1531 (Homo sapiens)
The Micronutrient Genomics Project has an exchange program for participating researchers Microgennet. Microgennet is funded by the EU Marie Curie action program IRSES grant 269210.
Community Members
Authors of Community Pathways
Susan Coort , Martijn Van Iersel , Alex Pico , Martina Summer-Kutmon , Eric Weitz , Egoyenechea , Thomas Kelder , Kristina Hanspers , Jill Dunham , Damariz Rivero , Jildau Bouwman , Andra Waagmeester , Egon Willighagen , Denise Slenter , Friederike Ehrhart , Youssef Walid , Marvin Martens , Jerome Compain , Chris Evelo , Daniela Digles , Andika Tan , Michiel Adriaens , Frank , Txr24 , Jeff , Marianthi Kalafati , Garima Thakur , Hasan Balcı , , Strand Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd , Lauren J. Dupuis , Ben Van Ommen , Lucia Ribeiro , Celine Malyar , Paolo Romano , Allan Kuchinsky , Anwesha Bohler , Zahra Roudbari , Conroy lipids , and Mingye Wang .