Neurotransmitter disorders (WP4220)

Homo sapiens

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers which mediate, amplify, or modulate synaptic transmissions between neurons, meaning that many are involved in primary brain functions such as movement, pain threshold, memory, and so on. The are various disorders associated with neurotransmitter dysfunction, which may also be caused by defects in the neurotransmitter transporters. This pathway describes various defects including deficiencies of tyrosine hydrolyse (TH), aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), dopamine Beta-Hydroxylase (DBH), monoamine oxidase A, as well as the heredity dopamine transporter syndrome and the brain dopamine-serotonin vesicular transporter (VMAT2) disease. This pathway was inspired by Edition 5, Chapter 19 of the book of Blau (ISBN 9783030677268) (Ed.4 Chapter 31).


Ann Friesacher , Denise Slenter , Egon Willighagen , Kristina Hanspers , Irene Hemel , Martina Summer-Kutmon , Eric Weitz , Finterly Hu , and Lars Willighagen


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Homo sapiens


Diseases Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD) Pathways Rare Diseases


Disease Ontology

dopamine beta-hydroxylase deficiency Parkinsonism dystonia aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency Brunner Syndrome

Pathway Ontology

neurotransmitter metabolic pathway Segawa syndrome pathway tryptophan degradation pathway dopamine degradation pathway serotonin biosynthetic pathway dopamine metabolic pathway tyrosine degradation pathway tyrosine metabolic pathway dopamine beta-hydroxylase deficiency pathway epinephrine metabolic pathway epinephrine degradation pathway dopamine biosynthetic pathway epinephrine biosynthetic pathway serotonin metabolic pathway aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency pathway tryptophan metabolic pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
melatonin Metabolite chebi:16796
Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid Metabolite chebi:41941 AKA DOPAC
5-HIAL Metabolite pubchem.compound:74688 AKA 5-hydroxyindoleacetaldehyde
Vanillylmandelic acid Metabolite chebi:27622
Epinephrine Metabolite wikidata:Q132621
3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol Metabolite wikidata:Q223097 AKA MHPG, MOPG
Norepinephrine Metabolite chebi:72587
Dopamine Metabolite chebi:59905
L-Tyrosine Metabolite chebi:58315
Serotonin Metabolite chebi:28790
Normetanephrine Metabolite wikidata:Q517109
Metanephrine Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0004063 AKA MET
Vanillactic acid Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0000913 AKA VLA
Homovanillic acid Metabolite chebi:545959 AKA HVA
L-Tryptophan Metabolite chebi:16828
5-Hydroxytryptophan Metabolite chebi:17780 AKA 5-HTP
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid Metabolite chebi:27823 AKA 5-HIAA
3-O-methyldopa Metabolite chebi:82913 AKA 3OMD
3-Methoxytyramine Metabolite chebi:1582 AKA 3MT
L-Dopa Metabolite chebi:57504 AKA levodopa
PLP Metabolite chebi:18405 AKA Pyridoxal phosphate, cofactor
BH4 Metabolite chebi:30436 AKA tetrahydropterin, cofactor
qBH2 Metabolite chebi:43120 AKA tetrahydropterin, cofactor
SLC18A2 GeneProduct ncbigene:6571 AKA VMAT2
DBH Protein uniprot:P09172 AKA Dopamine beta-hydrocylase
Located membrane-bound and intra-vesicular [PMID: 30372766]
Aldehyde dehydrogenase Protein eccode:
SLC6A3 Protein uniprot:Q01959
PNMT Protein uniprot:P11086 AKA Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase
TH Protein uniprot:P07101 AKA Tyrosine 3-mono oxygenase, TYH
MAOA Protein ncbigene:4128 AKA Monoamine oxidase A
AADC Protein uniprot:P20711 AKA Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase, DCC
TPH Protein eccode: AKA Tryptophan hydroxylase
TPH1 Protein uniprot:P17752 AKA Tryptophan hydroxylase
Expressed in skin, gut and pineal gland (tissues where serotonint is expressed), and also in the CNS.
TPH2 Protein uniprot:Q8IWU9 AKA Tryptophan hydroxylase
Expressed in neuronal cells, and the predominant isoform of the Central Nervous System (CNS).
COMT Protein uniprot:P21964 AKA Catechol-O- metyltransferase


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