Degradation pathway of sphingolipids, including diseases (WP4153)

Homo sapiens

Test pathway to include dieases in pathways, in order to deduce biomarkers.


Denise Slenter , Andra Waagmeester , Egon Willighagen , Ado , Irene Hemel , Kristina Hanspers , Finterly Hu , Friederike Ehrhart , Eric Weitz , and Martina Summer-Kutmon


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Homo sapiens


Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD) Pathways ONTOX Rare Diseases


Disease Ontology

metachromatic leukodystrophy Fabry disease Gaucher's disease disease GM2 gangliosidosis, AB variant Niemann-Pick disease Krabbe disease Tay-Sachs disease gangliosidosis Niemann-Pick disease type B Farber lipogranulomatosis Niemann-Pick disease type A Sandhoff disease GM1 gangliosidosis GM2 gangliosidosis

Pathway Ontology

sphingolipid metabolic pathway glycosphingolipid metabolic pathway lacto-series glycosphingolipid metabolic pathway altered sphingolipid metabolic pathway sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway disease pathway sphingolipid degradation pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
Digalactosylceramide Metabolite chebi:134506 AKA Gal-α(1-4)-Gal-Cer
Digalactosylceramide beta Metabolite chebi:134507
Globoside Metabolite chebi:61360 AKA GalNAc -ß(1-3)Gal-Glc-Cer
Globoside example 1 Metabolite chebi:88167 N-acetyl-beta-D-galactosaminyl-(1->3)-alpha-D-galactosyl-(1->4)-beta-D-galactosyl-(1->4)-beta-D-glucosyl-(1->1')-ceramide
globotriaosylceramide Metabolite pubchem.compound:66616222 also known as CD77, Gb3, and ceramide trihexoside
AKA Gal-α(1-4)-Gal-Glc-Cer
Globoside example 2 Metabolite chebi:18259 N-acetyl-beta-D-galactosaminyl-(1->3)-alpha-D-galactosyl-(1->4)-beta-D-galactosyl-(1->4)-beta-D-glucosyl-(1->1')-N-acylsphing-4-enine
Digalactosylceramide alpha Metabolite chebi:134506 alpha-D-galactosyl-(1->4)-beta-D-galactosyl-N-(pentacosanoyl)sphingosine
GA2 Metabolite chebi:27731 ganglioside GA2
AKA GalNAc-ß-(1-4)-Gal-Glc-Cer
GM3 Metabolite chebi:79210 ganglioside GM3
AKA Α(2,3)NeuAc-Gal-ß(1-4)-Glc-Cer
Ceramide Metabolite chebi:17761
Sphingosine Metabolite wikidata:Q46298
galactosyl-ceramide Metabolite wikidata:Q2756638 Galactocerebroside
AKA Gal-ß(1-1)-Cer
Sphingomyelin Metabolite wikidata:Q423143
Glucosylceramide Metabolite wikidata:Q35662896 AKA Glc-ß(1-1)-Cer
Sulfatide Metabolite wikidata:Q408584 AKA O 3 S-3-Gal-Cer
lactosylceramide Metabolite wikidata:Q3215908 AKA Gal-ß(1-4)-Glc-Cer
GM2 Metabolite chebi:79218 ganglioside GM2
AKA GalNAc-ß(1-4)-Gal[NeuAc]-Glc-Cer
GM1 Metabolite chebi:18216 aka ganglioside GM1a, GM1a
AKA Gal-ß(1-3)-GalNAc-Gal[NeuAc]-Glc-Cer
GA1 Metabolite chebi:27938 ganglioside GA1
AKA Gal-ß(1-3)-GalNAc-Gal-Glc-Cer
SCARB2 GeneProduct ncbigene:950 AKA scavenger receptor class B, member 2/ lysosomal intergral membrane protein 2
PSAP GeneProduct ncbigene:5660
GLB1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000170266 GM1-beta-galactosidase 1
NPC1 GeneProduct ncbigene:4864 AKA scavenger receptor class B, member 2/ lysosomal intergral membrane protein 2
NPC2 GeneProduct ncbigene:10577 AKA scavenger receptor class B, member 2/ lysosomal intergral membrane protein 2
LIPA GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000107798 AKA scavenger receptor class B, member 2/ lysosomal intergral membrane protein 2
HEXB Protein uniprot:P07686
GM1-beta-galactosidase (GLB): Protein eccode:
Sap-B Protein interpro:IPR008139 SaposinB
HEXA Protein uniprot:P06865 Hexosaminidase A; HEXA and the cofactor GM2 activator protein catalyze the degradation of the GM2 gangliosides
Sialidase 2 Protein uniprot:Q9Y3R4
Acrylsulfatase A Protein ensembl:ENSG00000100299 Arylsulfatase A (or cerebroside-sulfatase)
Sialidase 1 Protein uniprot:Q99519
Sphingomyelinase Protein eccode: Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase (also known as neutral sphingomyelinase, sphingomyelinase, or SMase)
Sialidase Protein interpro:IPR004124
Glucosylceramide-beta-glucosidase Protein uniprot:P04062 Based on disorder (Goucher), this enzyme is assumed to be GBA)
GM2A Protein ncbigene:2760 GM2-Activator
Beta-hexosaminidase A, B: Protein eccode:
Alpha-galactosidase A Protein ncbigene:2717
Sialidase 3 Protein uniprot:Q9UQ49
Acid ceramidase Protein eccode: Acid ceramidase (N-acylsphingosine deacylase, ASAH1)
GalCer-beta-galactosidase Protein eccode: GALCERase
Sialidase 4 Protein uniprot:Q8WWR8
HEXA Protein ensembl:ENSG00000213614
GM2-activator Protein ncbigene:2760
Sap-B Protein uniprot:P07602 Sap-B is assumed to represent Saposin-B, which 'stimulates the hydrolysis of galacto-cerebroside sulfate by arylsulfatase A (EC, GM1 gangliosides by beta-galactosidase (EC and globotriaosylceramide by alpha-galactosidase A (EC Saposin-B forms a solubilizing complex with the substrates of the sphingolipid hydrolases.' Source:
Alternative names: Cerebroside sulfate activator (CSAct) DispersinSphingolipid activator protein 1 (SAP-1) Sulfatide/GM1 activator
GM1-beta-galactosidease (GLB): Protein eccode:
Sap-B Protein interpro:IPR008139
Sap-C Protein uniprot:P07602 Sap-C is assumed to represent Saposin-C, which ' stimulates the hydrolysis of glucosylceramide by beta-glucosylceramidase (EC and galactosylceramide by beta-galactosylceramidase (EC Saposin-C apparently acts by combining with the enzyme and acidic lipid to form an activated complex, rather than by solubilizing the substrate.' Source:[]
'Saposin C is one of four homologous proteins derived from sequential cleavage of the saposin precursor protein, prosaposin.' [PMID:22652185]
Alternative names: A1 activatorCo-beta-glucosidaseGlucosylceramidase activatorSphingolipid activator protein 2 (SAP-2)
Sap-C Protein uniprot:P07602 Sap-C is assumed to represent Saposin-C, which ' stimulates the hydrolysis of glucosylceramide by beta-glucosylceramidase (EC and galactosylceramide by beta-galactosylceramidase (EC Saposin-C apparently acts by combining with the enzyme and acidic lipid to form an activated complex, rather than by solubilizing the substrate.' Source:[]
Alternative names: A1 activatorCo-beta-glucosidaseGlucosylceramidase activatorSphingolipid activator protein 2 (SAP-2)
Sap-C Protein uniprot:P07602 Sap-C is assumed to represent Saposin-C, which ' stimulates the hydrolysis of glucosylceramide by beta-glucosylceramidase (EC and galactosylceramide by beta-galactosylceramidase (EC Saposin-C apparently acts by combining with the enzyme and acidic lipid to form an activated complex, rather than by solubilizing the substrate.' Source:[]
Alternative names: A1 activatorCo-beta-glucosidase Glucosylceramidase activator Sphingolipid activator protein 2 (SAP-2)
Glucosylceramide-beta-glucosidase Protein uniprot:P54803 Based on disorder (Krabbe), this enzyme is assumed to be GALC)
Sap-A Protein interpro:IPR003119


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