Pleural mesothelioma (WP5087)
Homo sapiens
Franziska Kreidl , Marvin Martens , Eric Weitz , Finterly Hu , Egon Willighagen , Lauren J. Dupuis , Alex Pico , Lars Willighagen , and Kristina HanspersActivity
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- A Community-Driven, Openly Accessible Molecular Pathway Integrating Knowledge on Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (2022).
- Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) - Gene, molecular and pathway signatures linking systemic inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, transsynaptic signalling, and neurodevelopmen (2023).
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Homo sapiensCommunities
CPTAC Rare DiseasesAnnotations
Cell Type Ontology
mesothelial cell mesothelial cell mesothelial cell of pleuraPathway Ontology
altered autophagy pathway disease pathwayDisease Ontology
malignant pleural mesothelioma malignant pleural mesotheliomaReferences
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