7-oxo-C and 7-beta-HC pathways (WP5064)

Homo sapiens

The Oxysterol group of compounds are oxygenated derivatives of cholesterol or its sterol precursors, e.g. 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) or desmosterol. There are three mechanisms leading to the formation of oxysterols: 1) Enzymatically (first steps of sterol metabolism, being intermediates for the formation of steroid hormones, bile acids and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3); see https://www.wikipathways.org/instance/WP4545, 2) Non-enzymatically by encountering reactive oxygen species (ROS), providing a second pool of metabolites (this pool also includes oxidized cholesterol molecules taken in from diet); described in this pathway, and 3) Generation by the gut microflora and uptake through the enterohepatic circulation. Previously oxysterols where though to be inactive metabolic intermediates, however recent findings have established that these metabolites are involved in cholesterol homoeostasis, can be ligands to nuclear and G protein-coupled receptors and biomarkers of diseases (for example Niemann-Pick disease). This pathway describes Figure 4 and 5 from Griffiths et al. 2020 and was extended with disease information.


Denise Slenter , Eric Weitz , Egon Willighagen , Conroy lipids , Aishwarya Iyer , and Alex Pico


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Homo sapiens


Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD) Pathways Lipids and LIPID MAPS


Disease Ontology

Niemann-Pick disease type A Niemann-Pick disease type B Niemann-Pick disease type C2 Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome Niemann-Pick disease type C1

Pathway Ontology

Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome pathway classic metabolic pathway cholesterol metabolic pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
7-Dehydrocholesterol Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST01010069 aka 7-DHC
abundant in SLOS.
3b,5a,6b-Trihydroxycholan-24-oyl-glycine Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST05030019
3b,7b-Dihydroxychol-5-en-24-oic acid Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST04010218
Cholesterol Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST01010001
7b-Hydroxycholesterol Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST01010047
(25R)26-Hydroxy-7-oxocholesterol Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST04030180
Dendrogenin A Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST05050025
Cholestane-3b,5a,6b,(25R)26-tetrol Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST01010458
3b,5a,6b-Trihydroxycholestan-(25R)26-oic acid Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST04030238
3b-Hydroxy-7-oxochol-5-en-24-oyl-CoA Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST01010461
Cholestane-3b,5a,6b-triol Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST01010052
7-Oxocholesterol Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST01010049 aka 7-OC
Elevated levels found in Wolman's disease
3b,7b-Dihydroxychol-5-en-24-oyl-glycine Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST05030017
7b-Peroxycholesterol Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST01010459
3b-Hydroxy-7-oxocholest-5-en-(25R)26-oic acid Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST04030239
3b-Hydroxy-7-oxochol-5-en-24-oic acid Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST04010394
3b,5a,6b-Trihydroxycholan-24-oic acid Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST04010339
3b-Hydroxy-7-oxochol-5-en-24-oyl-glycine Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST05030018
3b,5a-DiH-cholestan-6-one Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST01010126 aka 3b,5a-Dihydroxycholestan-6-one
3b,7b-Dihydroxycholest-5-en-(25R)26-oic acid Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST04030235
3b,5a,6b-Trihydroxycholan-24-oyl-CoA Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST04010459
3b,7b-Dihydroxychol-5-en-24-oyl-CoA Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST04010460
3b,24R-Dihydroxy-7-oxocholest-5-en-(25R)26-oyl-CoA Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST04030262
3b,5a,6b,24R-Tetrahydroxycholestan-(25R)26-oyl-CoA Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST04030244
5a,6a-Epoxycholesterol Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST01010011
7b,(25R)26-Dihydroxycholesterol Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST04030178
3b,7b,24R-Trihydroxycholest-5-en-(25R)26-oyl-CoA Metabolite lipidmaps:LMST04030261
CYP7A1 GeneProduct hgnc.symbol:CYP7A1
NPC1 GeneProduct hgnc.symbol:NPC1
HSD11B1 GeneProduct hgnc.symbol:HSD11B1
HSD11B2 GeneProduct hgnc.symbol:HSD11B2
CYP27A1 GeneProduct hgnc.symbol:CYP27A1
BACS (SLC27A5) GeneProduct hgnc.symbol:SLC27A5 Bile Acid CoA ligase (or synthetase)
microsomal protein mostly expressed in liver [PMID:24309898, 25409824(mouse)]
VLCS (SLC27A2) GeneProduct hgnc.symbol:SLC27A2 very-long chain acyl-CoA synthetase
expressed mostly in liver and kidney, and present in ER and peroxisome [PMID:24309898, 25409824(mouse)]
AMACR GeneProduct hgnc.symbol:AMACR alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase
broadly expressed [PMID:24309898, 25409824(mouse)]
ACOX2 GeneProduct hgnc.symbol:ACOX2
DBP GeneProduct hgnc.symbol:DBP D-biofinctional protein; aka MFE2, HSD17B4
SCPx (SCP2) GeneProduct hgnc.symbol:SCP2
BAAT GeneProduct ncbigene:570 amino acid N-acyl transferase
BAAT GeneProduct hgnc.symbol:BAAT amino acid N-acyl transferase
NPC2 GeneProduct hgnc.symbol:NPC2
ACOT1 Protein uniprot:Q86TX2
ACOT Protein eccode: acyl-CoA thioesterase are a group of enzymes
ACOT2 Protein uniprot:P49753 'originally thought to be in peroxisome [PMID:10944470)], later found to be mitochondrial [PMID:16940157]' [https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P49753]
ACOT4 Protein uniprot:Q8N9L9 'Compared to mouse peroxisomal succinyl-coenzyme A thioesterase/ACOT4, the human enzyme has a broad substrate specificity overlapping the activity of three mouse acyl-coenzyme A thioesterases, providing an explanation for the unexpectedly low number of acyl-coenzyme A thioesterase genes in the human genome [PMID:16940157]' [https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q8N9L9]
ACOT6 Protein uniprot:Q3I5F7
ACOT7 Protein uniprot:O00154
ACOT8 Protein uniprot:O14734
ACOT9 Protein uniprot:Q9Y305
ACOT11 Protein uniprot:Q8WXI4
ACOT12 Protein uniprot:Q8WYK0
ACOT13 Protein uniprot:Q9NPJ3
ACOT7L Protein uniprot:Q6ZUV0 'Could be the product of a pseudogene. The peptide used to produce antibodies against ACOT7L matches at 85% with ACOT7 and the antibodies may not be specific to ACOT7L.' [https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q6ZUV0]
ACOT15 Protein uniprot:Q8N1Q8
ChEH Protein uniprot:P34913 AKA cholesterol epoxide hydrolase (ChEH); EC:
'ChEH is a dimer of 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase (DHCR7) and 3β-hydroxysteroid-Δ8-Δ7-isomerase (D8D7I)'
DHCR7 Protein uniprot:Q9UBM7 'ChEH is a dimer of 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase (DHCR7) and 3β-hydroxysteroid-Δ8-Δ7-isomerase (D8D7I)'
the 3beta-hydroxysteroid delta7 reductase (DHCR7), which is the regulatory subunit. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholesterol-5,6-oxide_hydrolase]
D8D7I Protein uniprot:Q15125 'ChEH is a dimer of 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase (DHCR7) and 3β-hydroxysteroid-Δ8-Δ7-isomerase (D8D7I)'
also known as the emopamyl binding protein (EBP), which is the catalytic subunit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholesterol-5,6-oxide_hydrolase]


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