Mevalonate arm of cholesterol biosynthesis pathway (WP4190)

Homo sapiens

he mevalonate arm of the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway for different cellular regions.


Denise Slenter , Egon Willighagen , Friederike Ehrhart , Lauren J. Dupuis , and Martina Summer-Kutmon


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Homo sapiens




Pathway Ontology

cholesterol biosynthetic pathway mitochondria transport pathway altered cholesterol biosynthetic pathway isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway

Cell Type Ontology

cell obsolete metabolising cell


Label Type Compact URI Comment
dimethylallyl-PP Metabolite chebi:57623 AKA Dimethylallyl diphosphate
NAD(P)H Metabolite chebi:16474
acetoacetate Metabolite chebi:13705
HS-CoA Metabolite chebi:57287 Added due to information present in Rhea
Acetyl-CoA Metabolite chebi:57288
NADH Metabolite chebi:57945
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA Metabolite chebi:43074 Annotated with (3S) ID
acetoacetyl-CoA Metabolite wikidata:Q2639429 TESTCASE: Annotated with ID missing charge; according to Rhea should be CHEBI:57286
mevaldyl-CoA Metabolite inchikey:RGCJQGNQJYHPPZ-FMMSQWOCSA-I Annotated through ChemSpider API [], starting from SMILES: C[C@](O)(CC([O-])=O)CC(O)SCCNC(=O)CCNC(=O)[C@H](O)C(C)(C)COP([O-])(=O)OP([O-])(=O)OC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1OP([O-])([O-])=O)n1cnc2c(N)ncnc12 ; converted to InCHI and then to InCHIKey
'hemithioacetal, most likely the prominent reaction intermediate' [PMID:23898905]
mevalonate Metabolite chebi:36464 Annotated with (R)-mevalonate ID
mevalonate-P Metabolite chebi:58146 AKA (R)-5-phosphomevalonate
mevalonate-PP Metabolite chebi:57557 AKA (R)-5-diphosphomevalonate
isopenthyl-PP Metabolite chebi:128769
geranyl-PP Metabolite chebi:58057
famesyl-PP Metabolite chebi:175763
geranylgeranyl-PP Metabolite chebi:58756
presqualene-PP Metabolite chebi:57310
squalene Metabolite wikidata:Q407560 TESTCASE: correct mapping from Wikidata to ChEBI-ID (based on Rhea)
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA Metabolite chebi:43074 Annotated with (3S) ID
aka HMG-CoA
acetoacetyl-CoA Metabolite chebi:57286
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA Metabolite chebi:43074
mevaldyl Metabolite wikidata:Q113961354 Annotated through ChemSpider API [], starting from SMILES: C[C@@](O)(CC=O)CC([O-])=O ; converted to InCHI and then to InCHIKey
'aldehyde intermediate, which has never been detected experimentally' [PMID:23898905]
NAD(P)+ Metabolite chebi:18009
HS-CoA Metabolite chebi:57287
H+ Metabolite chebi:15378
NAD(P)H Metabolite chebi:57783
NAD(P)+ Metabolite chebi:58349
NAD+ Metabolite chebi:57540
FDFT1 Protein uniprot:P37268
ACAT1 Protein uniprot:P24752
HMGCL Protein uniprot:P35914
HMGCS1 Protein uniprot:Q01581
IDI1 Protein uniprot:Q13907 TESTCASE: Protein 1 of two individual proteins carrying out the same conversion; same Rhea, diff. kinetic values.
MVK Protein uniprot:Q03426
FDPS Protein uniprot:P14324
PMVK Protein uniprot:Q15126
MVD Protein uniprot:P53602 EC
GGPS1 Protein uniprot:O95749
IDI2 Protein uniprot:Q9BXS1 TESTCASE: Protein 2 of two individual proteins carrying out the same conversion; same Rhea, diff. kinetic values.
ACAT2 Protein uniprot:Q9BWD1
HMGCR Protein uniprot:P04035 Note: is EC class relevant for bacteria, with corresponding Rhea:14833. This Protein has been annotated with the mammalian EC class, corresponding Rhea:15989.


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