Hair follicle development: organogenesis - stage 2 of 3 (WP2839)

Homo sapiens

The hair follicle (HF) is the biological unit responsible for producing a single hair shaft. The follicles are arranged with concentric epithelial progenitor layers surrounding the dermal core, which is the dermal papilla (DP). Classically, the development of the follicle itself can be divided into three stages: Induction, Organogenesis and Cytodifferentiation. Hair follicle development is a process dependent on epithelial-mesenchymal transitions orchestrated by many signaling pathways. Here we find one of three complex regulatory pathways assembled from a text mining approach portraying the development of this key mammal-specific structure.


Daniel Trindade , Egon Willighagen , Alex Pico , Jonathan Mélius , Kristina Hanspers , Denise Slenter , and Eric Weitz


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Homo sapiens



Pathway Ontology

regulatory pathway

Cell Type Ontology

hair follicle cell


Label Type Compact URI Comment
RUNX2 GeneProduct uniprot:Q13950
TP63 GeneProduct uniprot:Q9H3D4
FOXI3 GeneProduct uniprot:A8MTJ6
CDH1 GeneProduct uniprot:P12830
Activin A GeneProduct uniprot:P08476
B-catenin GeneProduct uniprot:P35222
GJB6 GeneProduct uniprot:O95452
NCAM Protein uniprot:P13591
CCND1 Protein uniprot:P24385
LEF1 Protein uniprot:Q9UJU2
SNAI1 Protein uniprot:O95863
FZD1 Protein uniprot:Q9UP38
NF-kB Protein uniprot:P19838
EDAR Protein uniprot:Q9UNE0
EDA Protein uniprot:Q92838
SHH Protein uniprot:Q15465
LRP5/6 Protein uniprot:O75197
BMP s Protein uniprot:P12644
PTCH Protein uniprot:Q13635
SMO Protein uniprot:Q99835
PTCH1 Protein uniprot:Q13635
NOG Protein uniprot:Q9BZE4
PDGFRA Protein uniprot:P16234
PDGF Protein uniprot:P04085
Noggin Protein uniprot:Q9BZE4
FGFR2 Protein uniprot:P21802
GLI2 Protein uniprot:P10070
CCND2 Protein uniprot:P30279
ITGB1 Protein uniprot:P05556
GLI1 Protein uniprot:P08151
GLI s Protein uniprot:P08151
FGF Protein uniprot:P05230
WNT5A Protein uniprot:P41221
MYC Protein uniprot:P01106
Laminin-511 Protein uniprot:O15230
