Integrated cancer pathway (WP1971)

Homo sapiens

This integrated cancer pathway describes the key mechanisms involved in the development of cancer containing the key prognostic markers and pathogenetic factors. Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the CPTAC Assay Portal.


Sara Ibrahim , Alex Pico , Martijn Van Iersel , Daniela Digles , Kristina Hanspers , Egon Willighagen , Martina Summer-Kutmon , Marvin Martens , and Eric Weitz


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Homo sapiens




Pathway Ontology

cancer pathway

Disease Ontology



Label Type Compact URI Comment
ATF1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000123268
CDC25B GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000101224
CDC25A GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000164045
BACH1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000156273
PLK1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000166851
MYC GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000136997
OCT1 Protein ncbigene:5451
p21 Protein ncbigene:1026
CDK4_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P11802
PUMA Protein ncbigene:27113
ATM_HUMAN Protein uniprot:Q13315
CASP9_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P55211
CASP8_HUMAN Protein uniprot:Q14790
ATR_HUMAN Protein uniprot:Q13535
CDK2_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P24941
CDC2_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P06493 Oncogene
P53_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P04637
NOXA1_HUMAN Protein uniprot:Q86UR1
MRE11_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P49959
ASK1 Protein ncbigene:4217
BARD1_HUMAN Protein uniprot:Q99728
CASP3_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P42574
RB_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P06400
BAD_HUMAN Protein uniprot:Q92934
CHK1_HUMAN Protein uniprot:O14757
SMAD2_HUMAN Protein uniprot:Q15796 Tumor supressor
SMAD3_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P84022
MSH6_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P52701
AKT1_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P31749
MSH2_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P43246
BCL2_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P10415
MDM2_HUMAN Protein uniprot:Q00987 Oncogene
BRCA1_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P38398
STAT1_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P42224
CHK2_HUMAN Protein uniprot:O96017 Phosphorylated
BAX_HUMAN Protein uniprot:Q07812
RAD50_HUMAN Protein uniprot:Q92878
MMP1_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P03956
Q8NBS1_HUMAN Protein uniprot:Q8NBS1
JAK1_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P23458
PTEN_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P60484
p15 Protein ncbigene:1030
p27 Protein ncbigene:1027
BLM_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P54132
BRCA1_HUMAN Protein uniprot:P38398 Phosphorylated
E2F1_HUMAN Protein uniprot:Q01094


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