Integrated cancer pathway (WP1971)
Homo sapiens
This integrated cancer pathway describes the key mechanisms involved in the development of cancer containing the key prognostic markers and pathogenetic factors. Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the CPTAC Assay Portal.
Sara Ibrahim , Alex Pico , Martijn Van Iersel , Daniela Digles , Kristina Hanspers , Egon Willighagen , Martina Summer-Kutmon , Marvin Martens , and Eric WeitzActivity
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Homo sapiensCommunities
Pathway Ontology
cancer pathwayDisease Ontology
cancerLabel | Type | Compact URI | Comment |
ATF1 | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000123268 | |
CDC25B | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000101224 | |
CDC25A | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000164045 | |
BACH1 | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000156273 | |
PLK1 | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000166851 | |
MYC | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000136997 | |
OCT1 | Protein | ncbigene:5451 | |
p21 | Protein | ncbigene:1026 | |
CDK4_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P11802 | |
PUMA | Protein | ncbigene:27113 | |
ATM_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:Q13315 | |
CASP9_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P55211 | |
CASP8_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:Q14790 | |
ATR_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:Q13535 | |
CDK2_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P24941 | |
CDC2_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P06493 | Oncogene |
P53_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P04637 | |
NOXA1_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:Q86UR1 | |
MRE11_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P49959 | |
ASK1 | Protein | ncbigene:4217 | |
BARD1_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:Q99728 | |
CASP3_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P42574 | |
RB_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P06400 | |
BAD_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:Q92934 | |
CHK1_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:O14757 | |
SMAD2_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:Q15796 | Tumor supressor |
SMAD3_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P84022 | |
MSH6_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P52701 | |
AKT1_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P31749 | |
MSH2_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P43246 | |
BCL2_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P10415 | |
MDM2_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:Q00987 | Oncogene |
BRCA1_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P38398 | |
STAT1_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P42224 | |
CHK2_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:O96017 | Phosphorylated |
BAX_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:Q07812 | |
RAD50_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:Q92878 | |
MMP1_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P03956 | |
Q8NBS1_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:Q8NBS1 | |
JAK1_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P23458 | |
PTEN_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P60484 | |
p15 | Protein | ncbigene:1030 | |
p27 | Protein | ncbigene:1027 | |
BLM_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P54132 | |
BRCA1_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:P38398 | Phosphorylated |
E2F1_HUMAN | Protein | uniprot:Q01094 |
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