Nicotine metabolism in liver cells (WP1600)
Homo sapiens
Nicotine results in many metabolites after metabolization in the liver. Nicotine is the main factor behind smoking addiction, therefore nicotine supplements can be used to stop smoking. Nicotine is metabolized by several enzymes in the liver such as the CYP2A6 enzyme. CYP2A6 is a xenobiotic (xenos = foreigner, bios = life) metabolizer. How well nicotine can be metabolized by the human body is not standard and depends on racial, gender, genetic and environmental factors. The cotinine metabolite seen above in the center of the nicotine metabolism pathway is a smoking biomarker and can been measured in various tissues such as blood, urine and sweat.
Kristina Hanspers , Alex Pico , Egon Willighagen , Daniela Digles , Denise Slenter , Asios Olia , and Eric WeitzActivity
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Homo sapiensCommunities
Pathway Ontology
drug pathway xenobiotic metabolic pathway nicotine drug pathwayCell Type Ontology
hepatocyteLabel | Type | Compact URI | Comment |
3'-Hydroxycotinine | Metabolite | hmdb:HMDB0001390 | |
Cotinine | Metabolite | hmdb:HMDB0001046 | |
3'-Hydroxycotinine glucuronide | Metabolite | hmdb:HMDB0001204 | |
5'-Hydroxycotinine | Metabolite | hmdb:HMDB0001427 | |
Nicotine-Gluc | Metabolite | hmdb:HMDB0001272 | |
Nornicotine | Metabolite | hmdb:HMDB0001126 | |
Nicotine-N-oxide | Metabolite | hmdb:HMDB0001497 | |
Nicotine | Metabolite | pubchem.compound:89594 | |
Cotinine N-oxide | Metabolite | hmdb:HMDB0001411 | |
Nicotine iminium ion | Metabolite | hmdb:HMDB0001010 | |
Cotinineglucuronide | Metabolite | hmdb:HMDB0001013 | |
CYP2B6 | GeneProduct | ncbigene:1555 | |
FMO3 | GeneProduct | ncbigene:2328 | |
CYP2A6 | GeneProduct | ncbigene:1548 | |
UGT1A4 | GeneProduct | ncbigene:54657 | |
AOX1 | GeneProduct | ncbigene:316 | |
UGT1A9 | GeneProduct | ncbigene:54600 |
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