Interactions between immune cells and microRNAs in tumor microenvironment (WP4559)
Homo sapiens
The interplay between immune cells and microRNAs in the tumor microenvironment (TME). MRX34 and MRG‐106 (cobomarsen) are miRNA therapeutic agents. Adapted from figure 1 in Cortez et al.
Kristina Hanspers , Denise Slenter , and Eric WeitzActivity
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Cited In
- An NF-κB- and Therapy-Related Regulatory Network in Glioma: A Potential Mechanism of Action for Natural Antiglioma Agents (2022).
- DNA methylation of ARHGAP30 is negatively associated with ARHGAP30 expression in lung adenocarcinoma, which reduces tumor immunity and is detrimental to patient survival (2021).
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Homo sapiensCommunities
CPTAC ExRNAAnnotations
Cell Type Ontology
natural T-regulatory cell professional antigen presenting cell natural killer cell T cell neoplastic cell lymphocyte macrophageDisease Ontology
cancerPathway Ontology
immune response pathway antigen processing and presentation pathwayReferences
- Role of miRNAs in immune responses and immunotherapy in cancer. Cortez MA, Anfossi S, Ramapriyan R, Menon H, Atalar SC, Aliru M, et al. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2019 Apr;58(4):244–53. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia