Circadian rhythm genes (WP3594)
Homo sapiens
This is currently not a pathway but a list of circadian rhythm related genes and proteins. The source for this information is the gene ontology. The genes and proteins were filtered for “circadian rhythm” annotation (taxon = homo sapiens). According to supplementary information they were clustered in major (neurotransmitters, hormons, appetite regulation and immune system) and minor groups. Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the [ CPTAC Assay Portal]
Friederike Ehrhart , Martina Summer-Kutmon , Daniela Digles , Kristina Hanspers , Denise Slenter , and Eric WeitzActivity
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Homo sapiensCommunities
Pathway Ontology
regulatory pathwayLabel | Type | Compact URI | Comment |
NPY2R | GeneProduct | uniprot:P49146 | |
JUN | GeneProduct | uniprot:P05412 | |
PAX4 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O43316 | |
CRX | GeneProduct | uniprot:O43186 | |
NPS | GeneProduct | uniprot:P0C0P6 | |
ARNT2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9HBZ2 | |
ADA | GeneProduct | uniprot:P00813 | |
CIPC | GeneProduct | uniprot:G3V5J4 | |
DRD3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P35462 | |
CIPC | GeneProduct | uniprot:G3V3Y7 | |
FAS | GeneProduct | uniprot:P25445 | |
TH | GeneProduct | uniprot:P07101 | |
CIPC | GeneProduct | uniprot:G3V5Y7 | |
CIART | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q8N365 | |
ATOH7 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q8N100 | |
PRKG2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q13237 | |
PER1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O15534 | |
CLOCK | GeneProduct | uniprot:O15516 | |
CDK4 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P11802 | |
DRD4 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P21917 | |
SFTPC | GeneProduct | uniprot:P11686 | |
DRD1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P21728 | |
EGR1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P18146 | |
NCOA2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q15596 | |
TYMS | GeneProduct | uniprot:P04818 | |
HTR7 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P34969 | |
ARNTL2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q8WYA1 | |
ADIPOQ | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q15848 | |
LEP | GeneProduct | uniprot:P41159 | |
PER3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q8TAR6 | |
SLC9A3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P48764 | |
CST3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P01034 | |
HDAC3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O15379 | |
SLC6A4 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P31645 | |
CREB1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P16220 | |
NCOR1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O75376 | |
HOMER1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q86YM7 | |
PER2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O15055 | |
KLF10 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q13118 | |
AHCY | GeneProduct | uniprot:P23526 | |
DBP | GeneProduct | uniprot:M0QXP1 | |
DDX5 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P17844 | |
SOX14 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O95416 | |
NAGLU | GeneProduct | uniprot:P54802 | |
TPH1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P17752 | |
ADORA1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P30542 | |
NTRK3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q16288 | |
DDC | GeneProduct | uniprot:P20711 | |
ID4 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P47928 | |
MTTP | GeneProduct | uniprot:E9PBP6 | |
KCNH7 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9NS40 | |
PRF1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P14222 | |
HCRTR2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O43614 | |
HS3ST2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9Y278 | |
ATF5 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9Y2D1 | |
DBP | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q10586 | |
MTA1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q13330 | |
NR1H3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q13133 | |
PRKAA1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q13131 | |
RBM4 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9BWF3 | |
SREBF1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P36956 | |
GFPT1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q06210 | |
RORA | GeneProduct | uniprot:P35398 | |
KLF9 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q13886 | |
DYRK1A | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q13627 | |
CUL1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q13616 | |
HDAC1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q13547 | |
METTL3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q86U44 | |
ADORA2A | GeneProduct | uniprot:P29274 | |
IL6 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P05231 | |
STAR | GeneProduct | uniprot:P49675 | |
HNF1B | GeneProduct | uniprot:P35680 | |
ID3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q02535 | |
NPAS2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q99743 | |
SIX3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O95343 | |
NR2F6 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P10588 | |
ARNT | GeneProduct | uniprot:P27540 | |
CHRNB2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P17787 | |
AGRP | GeneProduct | uniprot:O00253 | |
UTS2R | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9UKP6 | |
JUND | GeneProduct | uniprot:P17535 | |
CLDN4 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O14493 | |
BTBD9 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q96Q07 | |
SETX | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q7Z333 | |
ADCY1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q08828 | |
KCNMA1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q12791 | |
CREM | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q03060 | |
DRD2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P14416 | |
NTRK1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P04629 | |
KCND2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9NZV8 | |
PRKAA2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P54646 | |
OPRL1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P41146 | |
PROX1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q92786 | |
TNFRSF11A | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9Y6Q6 | |
MAGED1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9Y5V3 | |
MC3R | GeneProduct | uniprot:P41968 | |
PTGDS | GeneProduct | uniprot:P41222 | |
OGT | GeneProduct | uniprot:O15294 | |
EZH2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q15910 | |
KDM5A | GeneProduct | uniprot:P29375 | |
HDAC2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q92769 | |
PPP1CC | GeneProduct | uniprot:P36873 | |
GNA11 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P29992 | |
NKX2-1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P43699 | |
RORB | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q92753 | |
CCAR2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q8N163 | |
SKP1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P63208 | |
PROK2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9HC23 | |
OPN3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9H1Y3 | |
SUV39H2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9H5I1 | |
ATF4 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P18848 | |
OPN4 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9UHM6 | |
MAGEL2 | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000254585 | |
GHRL | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9UBU3 | |
FBXL21 | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000164616 | |
F7 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P08709 | |
TIMELESS | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9UNS1 | |
USP2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O75604 | |
NMS | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q5H8A3 | |
SFPQ | GeneProduct | uniprot:P23246 | |
ROCK2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O75116 | |
NR1D1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P20393 | |
NGFR | GeneProduct | uniprot:P08138 | |
CRH | GeneProduct | uniprot:P06850 | |
ARNTL | GeneProduct | uniprot:O00327 | |
PSPC1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q8WXF1 | |
PPARGC1A | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9UBK2 | |
TP53 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P04637 | |
SIN3A | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q96ST3 | |
PRKDC | GeneProduct | uniprot:P78527 | |
BTRC | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9Y297 | |
THRAP3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9Y2W1 | |
FBXW11 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9UKB1 | |
NOCT | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9UK39 | |
RAI1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q7Z5J4 | |
TOP2A | GeneProduct | uniprot:P11388 | |
TOP1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P11387 | |
CHRM1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P11229 | |
EP300 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q09472 | |
PRKCDBP | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q969G5 | |
PRKCG | GeneProduct | uniprot:P05129 | |
SERPINE1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P05121 | |
ZFHX3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q15911 | |
NONO | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q15233 | |
PROKR1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q8TCW9 | |
SIRT1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q96EB6 | |
HCRTR1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O43613 | |
NFIL3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q16649 | |
AANAT | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q16613 | |
CARTPT | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q16568 | |
CRY1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q16526 | |
HNRNPD | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q14103 | |
GNAQ | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000156052 | |
SIK1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P57059 | |
GSK3B | GeneProduct | uniprot:P49841 | |
CSNK1E | GeneProduct | uniprot:P49674 | |
SUV39H1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O43463 | |
RELB | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q01201 | |
HNRNPU | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q00839 | |
Q59FM5 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q59FM5 | |
FBXL3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9UKT7 | |
NLGN1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q8N2Q7 | |
MTNR1B | GeneProduct | uniprot:P49286 | |
UBA52 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P62987 | |
RPS27A | GeneProduct | uniprot:P62979 | |
PPP1CB | GeneProduct | uniprot:P62140 | |
PPP1CA | GeneProduct | uniprot:P62136 | |
GHRH | GeneProduct | uniprot:P01286 | |
AVP | GeneProduct | uniprot:P01185 | |
EGR3 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q06889 | |
HEBP1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9NRV9 | |
PPARA | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q07869 | |
CRTC1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q6UUV9 | |
NRIP1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P48552 | |
CSNK1D | GeneProduct | uniprot:P48730 | |
KMT2A | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q03164 | |
NR1D2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q14995 | |
RBM4B | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9BQ04 | |
MYBBP1A | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9BQG0 | |
UBE3A | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q05086 | |
CIPC | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9C0C6 | |
PROKR2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q8NFJ6 | |
ID2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q02363 | |
PTEN | GeneProduct | uniprot:P60484 | |
DHX9 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q08211 | |
MTNR1A | GeneProduct | uniprot:P48039 | |
NOS2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P35228 | |
PHLPP1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O60346 | |
UTS2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O95399 | |
TPH2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q8IWU9 | |
C1orf51 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q5TB13 | |
CIPC | GeneProduct | uniprot:G3V405 | |
MAPK9 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P45984 | |
MAPK8 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P45983 | |
RORC | GeneProduct | uniprot:P51449 | |
MAPK10 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P53779 | |
UBC | GeneProduct | uniprot:P0CG48 | |
PPARG | GeneProduct | uniprot:P37231 | |
PASD1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q8IV76 | |
CRY2 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q49AN0 | |
CPT1A | GeneProduct | uniprot:P50416 | |
LGR4 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9BXB1 | |
PML | GeneProduct | uniprot:P29590 | |
PROK1 | GeneProduct | uniprot:P58294 | |
NAMPT | GeneProduct | uniprot:P43490 | |
AHR | GeneProduct | uniprot:P35869 | |
BHLHE41 | GeneProduct | uniprot:Q9C0J9 | |
PRMT5 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O14744 | |
BHLHE40 | GeneProduct | uniprot:O14503 |