Heroin metabolism (WP2645)

Homo sapiens

Pathway complementing the morphine metabolism pathway around heroin. The catalytic efficiency is substantially greater for CES2 (a.k.a. hCE-2) compared to other esterases.


Egon Willighagen , Denise Slenter , and Kristina Hanspers


last edited

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Homo sapiens



Pathway Ontology

xenobiotic metabolic pathway drug pathway heroin drug pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
morphine Metabolite chebi:17303
heroin Metabolite chebi:27808
6-acetylmorphine Metabolite pubchem.compound:5462507 6-monoacetylmorphine
CES1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000198848 catalyzed in liver
CES2 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000172831 catalyzed in liver; catalytic efficiency is substantially greater for hCE-2 compared to other esterases.
Pseudo-ChE Protein ensembl:ENSG00000114200 pseudocholinesterase; catalysation takes place in serum
Pseudo-ChE Protein ensembl:ENSG00000114200 pseudocholinesterase


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