Peptide GPCRs (WP24)

Homo sapiens

G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) which are also known as seven-(pass)-transmembrane domain receptors, 7TM receptors, heptahelical receptors, serpentine receptor, and G protein–linked receptors (GPLR), constitute a large protein family of receptors that detect molecules outside the cell and activate internal signal transduction pathways and, ultimately, cellular responses. Coupling with G proteins, they are called seven-transmembrane receptors because they pass through the cell membrane seven times. Wikipedia Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the CPTAC Assay Portal


Nathan Salomonis , Alex Pico , Kristina Hanspers , Martina Summer-Kutmon , Egon Willighagen , Zahra Roudbari , and Eric Weitz


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Homo sapiens



Pathway Ontology

G protein mediated signaling pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
Oxytocin Metabolite cas:50-56-6
Bradykinin Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0004246
SSTR2 GeneProduct ncbigene:6752
IL8RA GeneProduct ncbigene:3577
NPY2R GeneProduct ncbigene:4887
CXCR3 GeneProduct ncbigene:2833
CCR5 GeneProduct ncbigene:1234
GALR3 GeneProduct ncbigene:8484
TACR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:6869
BDKRB2 GeneProduct ncbigene:624
FPR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:2357
AGTR2 GeneProduct ncbigene:186
NMBR GeneProduct ncbigene:4829
AVPR2 GeneProduct ncbigene:554
TAC4 GeneProduct ncbigene:255061
BLR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:643
AGTR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:185
SSTR4 GeneProduct ncbigene:6754
BDKRB1 GeneProduct ncbigene:623
NTSR2 GeneProduct ncbigene:23620 CAA71233 - human AA#
CXCR4 GeneProduct ncbigene:7852
NPY5R GeneProduct ncbigene:4889
CCR7 GeneProduct ncbigene:1236
FPRL1 GeneProduct ncbigene:2358
ATP8A1 GeneProduct ncbigene:10396
FPRL2 GeneProduct ncbigene:2359
OPRM1 GeneProduct ncbigene:4988
AVPR1A GeneProduct ncbigene:552
GALR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:2587
CCKAR GeneProduct ncbigene:886
MC3R GeneProduct ncbigene:4159
LHCGR GeneProduct ncbigene:3973
CCKBR GeneProduct ncbigene:887
EDNRA GeneProduct ncbigene:1909
CX3CR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:1524
GHSR GeneProduct ncbigene:2693
CCR8 GeneProduct ncbigene:1237
CCR-9 GeneProduct ncbigene:10803
SSTR3 GeneProduct ncbigene:6753
GRPR GeneProduct ncbigene:2925
EDNRB GeneProduct ncbigene:1910
MC4R GeneProduct ncbigene:4160
FSHR GeneProduct ncbigene:2492
TSHR GeneProduct ncbigene:7253
TACR3 GeneProduct ncbigene:6870
GNRHR GeneProduct ncbigene:2798
BRS3 GeneProduct ncbigene:680
TRHR GeneProduct ncbigene:7201
AVPR1B GeneProduct ncbigene:553
CXCR6 GeneProduct ncbigene:10663
MC2R GeneProduct ncbigene:4158
NPY1R GeneProduct ncbigene:4886
SSTR5 GeneProduct ncbigene:6755
TACR2 GeneProduct ncbigene:6865
MC5R GeneProduct ncbigene:4161
MC1R GeneProduct ncbigene:4157
PPYR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:5540
CCR2 GeneProduct ncbigene:729230
OXTR GeneProduct ncbigene:5021
OPRK1 GeneProduct ncbigene:4986
CCR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:1230
SSTR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:6751
NTSR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:4923
GALR2 GeneProduct ncbigene:8811
IL8RB GeneProduct ncbigene:3579
OPRD1 GeneProduct ncbigene:4985
OPRL1 GeneProduct ncbigene:4987
CCR10 GeneProduct ncbigene:2826
NPY6R GeneProduct ncbigene:4888 human Acc# BAA13103
C3AR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:719
C5R1 GeneProduct ncbigene:728
CCR3 GeneProduct ncbigene:1232
FY GeneProduct ncbigene:2532
CCR4 GeneProduct ncbigene:1233
CCR6 GeneProduct ncbigene:1235
HCRTR1 GeneProduct ncbigene:3061
HCRTR2 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000137252 CAA71233 - human AA#


  1. G-protein-dependency of orexin/hypocretin receptor signalling in recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cells. Kukkonen JP. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016 Aug 5;476(4):379–85. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia