Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis (WP1567)

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Glycolysis is the process of converting glucose into pyruvate and generating small amounts of ATP (energy) and NADH (reducing power). It is a central pathway that produces important precursor metabolites: six-carbon compounds of glucose-6P and fructose-6P and three-carbon compounds of glycerone-P, glyceraldehyde-3P, glycerate-3P, phosphoenolpyruvate, and pyruvate [MD:M00001]. Acetyl-CoA, another important precursor metabolite, is produced by oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate [MD:M00679]. When the enzyme genes of this pathway are examined in completely sequenced genomes, the reaction steps of three-carbon compounds from glycerone-P to pyruvate form a conserved core module [MD:M00002], which is found in almost all organisms and which often corresponds to operon structures in bacterial genomes. Gluconeogenesis is a synthesis pathway of glucose from noncarbohydrate precursors. It is essentially a reversal of glycolysis with minor variations of alternative paths [MD:M00003]. Source: KEGG (


Kristina Hanspers , Alex Pico , Christine Chichester , Denise Slenter , Eric Weitz , and Egon Willighagen


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis



Pathway Ontology

glycolysis/gluconeogenesis pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
beta-D-fructose-(1,6)PP Metabolite kegg.compound:C05378
Acetate Metabolite kegg.compound:C00033
D-Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate Metabolite kegg.compound:C00118
Pyruvate Metabolite kegg.compound:C00022
(1,3)-diPhospho-D-glyceroyl Metabolite kegg.compound:C00236
2-(alpha-Hydroxyethyl)thiamine diphosphate Metabolite kegg.compound:C05125
Glycerone phosphate Metabolite kegg.compound:C00111
beta-D-fructose-6P Metabolite kegg.compound:C05345
Enzyme N6-(dihydrolipoyl)lysine Metabolite kegg.compound:C15973
[Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue acetyltransferase] S-acetyldihydrolipoyllysine Metabolite kegg.compound:C16255
Enzyme N6-(lipoyl)lysine Metabolite kegg.compound:C15972
Phosphoenolpyruvate Metabolite kegg.compound:C00074
alpha-D-glucose-6P Metabolite kegg.compound:C00668
2-Phospho-D-glycerate Metabolite kegg.compound:C00631
Acetaldehyde Metabolite kegg.compound:C00084
Beta-D-Glucose 6-phosphate Metabolite kegg.compound:C01172
D-Glucose 1-phosphate Metabolite kegg.compound:C00103
Thiamin diphosphate Metabolite kegg.compound:C00068
3-Phospho-D-glycerate Metabolite kegg.compound:C00197
alpha-D-glucose Metabolite kegg.compound:C00267
beta-D-glucose Metabolite kegg.compound:C00221
Oxaloacetate Metabolite kegg.compound:C00036
Acetyl-CoA Metabolite kegg.compound:C00024
Ethanol Metabolite kegg.compound:C00469
pdhB GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv2496c Original kegg element: gene;13;mtu:Rv0843 mtu:Rv2241 mtu:Rv2496c mtu:Rv2497c
ppgK GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv2702 Original kegg element: gene;43;mtu:Rv2702
acs GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv3667 Original kegg element: gene;91;mtu:Rv3667
adh GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv1530 Original kegg element: gene;10;mtu:Rv0162c mtu:Rv0761c mtu:Rv1530 mtu:Rv1862
pykA GeneProduct eccode: Original kegg element: gene;17;mtu:Rv1617
adhB GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv0761c Original kegg element: gene;10;mtu:Rv0162c mtu:Rv0761c mtu:Rv1530 mtu:Rv1862
adhD GeneProduct ncbiprotein:NP_217602 Original kegg element: gene;9;mtu:Rv3045
tpi GeneProduct eccode: Original kegg element: gene;23;mtu:Rv1438
pdhA GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv2497c Original kegg element: gene;12;mtu:Rv0843 mtu:Rv2241 mtu:Rv2496c mtu:Rv2497c
adhA GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv1862 Original kegg element: gene;10;mtu:Rv0162c mtu:Rv0761c mtu:Rv1530 mtu:Rv1862
lpdA GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv3303c Original kegg element: gene;41;mtu:Rv0462 mtu:Rv0794c mtu:Rv3303c
aldC GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv2858c Original kegg element: gene;2;mtu:Rv0147 mtu:Rv0458 mtu:Rv0768 mtu:Rv2858c
pdhB GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv2496c Original kegg element: gene;12;mtu:Rv0843 mtu:Rv2241 mtu:Rv2496c mtu:Rv2497c
eno GeneProduct eccode: Original kegg element: gene;19;mtu:Rv1023
oxidoreductase GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv0794c Original kegg element: gene;41;mtu:Rv0462 mtu:Rv0794c mtu:Rv3303c
aldehyde dehydrogenase (EC:1.2.1.-) GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv0147 Original kegg element: gene;2;mtu:Rv0147 mtu:Rv0458 mtu:Rv0768 mtu:Rv2858c
gap GeneProduct eccode: Original kegg element: gene;21;mtu:Rv1436
aceE GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv2241 Original kegg element: gene;13;mtu:Rv0843 mtu:Rv2241 mtu:Rv2496c mtu:Rv2497c
sugar kinase (EC: GeneProduct eccode: Original kegg element: gene;35;mtu:Rv0650
pgk GeneProduct eccode: Original kegg element: gene;42;mtu:Rv1437
pdhA GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv2497c Original kegg element: gene;13;mtu:Rv0843 mtu:Rv2241 mtu:Rv2496c mtu:Rv2497c
pgi GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv0946c Original kegg element: gene;29;mtu:Rv0946c
phosphoglycerate mutase (phosphoglyceromutase) (EC: GeneProduct eccode: Original kegg element: gene;20;mtu:Rv0489 mtu:Rv2419c mtu:Rv3214
lpd GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv0462 Original kegg element: gene;41;mtu:Rv0462 mtu:Rv0794c mtu:Rv3303c
fba GeneProduct eccode: Original kegg element: gene;1;mtu:Rv0363c
aldA GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv0768 Original kegg element: gene;2;mtu:Rv0147 mtu:Rv0458 mtu:Rv0768 mtu:Rv2858c
pgmA GeneProduct eccode: Original kegg element: gene;28;mtu:Rv3068c mtu:Rv3257c
aldehyde dehydrogenase (EC: GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv0458 Original kegg element: gene;2;mtu:Rv0147 mtu:Rv0458 mtu:Rv0768 mtu:Rv2858c
dehydrogenase GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv0843 Original kegg element: gene;13;mtu:Rv0843 mtu:Rv2241 mtu:Rv2496c mtu:Rv2497c
dehydrogenase GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv0843 Original kegg element: gene;12;mtu:Rv0843 mtu:Rv2241 mtu:Rv2496c mtu:Rv2497c
adhE1 GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv0162c Original kegg element: gene;10;mtu:Rv0162c mtu:Rv0761c mtu:Rv1530 mtu:Rv1862
sugar kinase (EC:2.7.-.-) GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv0650 Original kegg element: gene;31;mtu:Rv0650
glpX GeneProduct eccode: Original kegg element: gene;25;mtu:Rv1099c
pdhC GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv2495c Original kegg element: gene;14;mtu:Rv2495c
ppgK GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv2702 Original kegg element: gene;44;mtu:Rv2702
pckA GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv0211 Original kegg element: gene;76;mtu:Rv0211
aceE GeneProduct myco.tuber:Rv2241 Original kegg element: gene;12;mtu:Rv0843 mtu:Rv2241 mtu:Rv2496c mtu:Rv2497c
pfkB Protein ncbiprotein:NP_216545 Original kegg element: gene;24;mtu:Rv2029c mtu:Rv3010c
pfkA Protein ncbiprotein:NP_217526 Original kegg element: gene;24;mtu:Rv2029c mtu:Rv3010c


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