Growth factors and hormones in beta cell proliferation (WP5385)

Homo sapiens

Growh factors and hormones in Beta-cell proliferation


Leyla Önder , Cereno98 , Petra Tesic , Egon Willighagen , Kristina Hanspers , and Eric Weitz


last edited

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Homo sapiens



Pathway Ontology

Ras family mediated signaling pathway phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt signaling pathway calcium/calcium-mediated signaling pathway insulin signaling pathway transforming growth factor-beta superfamily mediated signaling pathway

Cell Type Ontology

type B pancreatic cell


Label Type Compact URI Comment
T3 Metabolite chebi:18258
T4 Metabolite chebi:18332
Ca2+ Metabolite chebi:29108
Pdx1 GeneProduct uniprot:P52945
PI3K GeneProduct interpro:IPR000403 The InterPro indentifier for the family was selected, as no specifc protein of the family was stated in the publication.
ERK 1 GeneProduct uniprot:P27361
PDGFR-a GeneProduct uniprot:A0A387LBM6 In contrast to the pathway figure, the specific receptor was included as DataNode.
TGFB1 GeneProduct uniprot:P01137
AKT1 GeneProduct uniprot:P31749
TGFB1R GeneProduct uniprot:P36897
TRs GeneProduct interpro:IPR001728
K-Ras GeneProduct uniprot:P01116
P16ink4a GeneProduct uniprot:R9S252
NFAT GeneProduct interpro:IPR008366 The InterPro indentifier for the family was selected, as no specifc protein of the family was stated in the publication.
Insulin GeneProduct uniprot:P01308
PDGFa GeneProduct uniprot:P04085
EZH2 GeneProduct uniprot:Q75MQ0
B-Raf GeneProduct uniprot:P15056
IGF-1R GeneProduct uniprot:P08069 In contrast to the pathway figure, the specific receptor was included as DataNode.
Smad7 GeneProduct uniprot:O15105
PLGF GeneProduct uniprot:P49763
Rab43 GeneProduct uniprot:Q86YS6
CRTC2 GeneProduct uniprot:Q53ET0
VEGFR-1 GeneProduct uniprot:P17948 The pathway figure namesthe receptor for PLGF as PLGF. The UniProt websites states that the receptor for PLGF is VEGFR-1. But the original publication (PMID: 25924650) states VEGFR-1 as receptor.
FOXO1 GeneProduct uniprot:Q12778
IR GeneProduct uniprot:P06213 In contrast to the pathway figure, the specific receptor was included as DataNode.
IGF-1 GeneProduct uniprot:P05019
Pref-1 GeneProduct uniprot:P80370 Synonyms: Dlk-1
Rasf1a GeneProduct uniprot:Q9NS23
cMyc GeneProduct uniprot:P01106
CDK2 GeneProduct uniprot:P24941
CDK4 GeneProduct uniprot:P11802
FOXM1 GeneProduct uniprot:Q08050
ERK 2 GeneProduct uniprot:P28482
AKT2 GeneProduct uniprot:P31751
AKT3 GeneProduct uniprot:Q9Y243


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