T cell modulation and desmoplasia in pancreatic cancer (WP5078)

Homo sapiens

Pancreatic cancer cells create a microenvironment by secreting cytokines and chemokines that recruit or activate stromal cells. This promotes desmoplasia – an accumulation of extracellular matrix that contributes to fibrosis – and immune evasion. Key players include myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), regulatory T cells (Tregs), and pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs). PSCs are the main source of extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition, and the TAM-PSC interaction enhances desmoplasia. These stromal cells help cancer cells evade immune surveillance by inhibiting CD8+ T cells through factors like IL-10, TGFβ, PD-L1, and IDO.


Dana Mustafa , Martina Summer-Kutmon , Eric Weitz , Isabel Wassink , and Egon Willighagen


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Homo sapiens


Diseases PancCanNet


Cell Type Ontology

professional antigen presenting cell malignant cell T cell pancreatic stellate cell myeloid suppressor cell CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell

Disease Ontology

pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma pancreatic cancer

Pathway Ontology

immune response pathway disease pathway pancreatic cancer pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
Adenosine Metabolite chebi:16335
Adenine Metabolite chebi:16708
Urea Metabolite chebi:16199
L-ornithine Metabolite chebi:15729
L-arginine Metabolite chebi:29016
PGE2 Metabolite chebi:15551
D-tryptophan Metabolite chebi:57719
Kynurenine Metabolite chebi:28683
L-tryptophan Metabolite chebi:57912
PDGFA GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000197461 P01137 - UniProt identifier
PDGFB GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000100311 P01137 - UniProt identifier
PDGFC GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000145431 P01137 - UniProt identifier
PDGFD GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000170962 P01137 - UniProt identifier
SHH GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000164690 P01137 - UniProt identifier
VDR GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000111424 P01137 - UniProt identifier
CXCL12 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000107562 P01137 - UniProt identifier
CXCR4 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000121966 P01137 - UniProt identifier
CD226 Protein uniprot:Q15762
ICOS Protein uniprot:Q9Y6W8
FASLG Protein uniprot:P48023
HAVCR2 Protein uniprot:Q8TDQ0
TRBC1 Protein ensembl:ENSG00000211751 P01850 - UniProt identifier
IL6 Protein uniprot:P05231
CCL17 Protein uniprot:Q92583
LGALS9 Protein uniprot:O00182
B2M Protein uniprot:P61769
FAS Protein uniprot:P25445
CXCL12 Protein uniprot:P48061
ARG1 Protein uniprot:P05089
PVR Protein uniprot:P15151
CCL22 Protein uniprot:O00626
TNFRSF4 Protein uniprot:P43489
VSIR Protein uniprot:Q9H7M9
TIGIT Protein uniprot:Q495A1
CD274 Protein uniprot:Q9NZQ7
VEGFA Protein uniprot:P15692
VEGFC Protein uniprot:P49767
FAP Protein uniprot:Q12884
VTCN1 Protein uniprot:Q7Z7D3
CD276 Protein uniprot:Q5ZPR3
CD40 Protein uniprot:P25942
IL10 Protein uniprot:P22301
LGALS3 Protein uniprot:P17931
TNFRSF9 Protein uniprot:Q07011
PDCD1 Protein uniprot:Q15116
HLA-A Protein uniprot:P04439
LGALS1 Protein uniprot:P09382
TRAC Protein ensembl:ENSG00000277734 P01848 - UniProt identifier
PGF Protein uniprot:P49763
TGFB1 Protein ensembl:ENSG00000105329 P01137 - UniProt identifier
TGFB3 Protein uniprot:P10600
IDO1 Protein uniprot:P14902
CD40LG Protein uniprot:P29965
CD28 Protein uniprot:P10747
TGFB2 Protein uniprot:P61812
VEGFD Protein uniprot:O43915
CTLA4 Protein uniprot:P16410
VEGFB Protein uniprot:P49765
CD86 Protein uniprot:P42081
PDCD1LG2 Protein uniprot:Q9BQ51
CD80 Protein uniprot:P33681
TNFSF9 Protein uniprot:P41273
TNFSF4 Protein uniprot:P23510
ENTPD1 Protein uniprot:P49961
NT5E Protein uniprot:P21589
IL4 Protein ensembl:ENSG00000113520
IL13 Protein ensembl:ENSG00000169194


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