Distal convoluted tubule 1 (DCT1) cell (WP4183)

Mus musculus

The major function of the distal convoluted tubule 1 cell (DCT1 cell) in the kidney is to maintain proper iron, solute and water homeostasis. The cells are polarized and located in the nephron duct where they have unique transport functions which are maintained by specialized K(+), Na(+), and Cl(-) channels in the proximal or distal part of the cell.


Agustin Gonzalez-Vicente , Egon Willighagen , Friederike Ehrhart , Eric Weitz , and Finterly Hu


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Mus musculus


Renal Genomics Pathways


Cell Type Ontology

transporting cell kidney epithelial cell kidney loop of Henle thick ascending limb epithelial cell kidney distal convoluted tubule epithelial cell

Pathway Ontology

regulatory pathway transport pathway

Disease Ontology

Bartter disease


Label Type Compact URI Comment
Na+ Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0000588
Cl- Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0000492
K+ Metabolite hmdb:HMDB0000586
kir5.1 Protein uniprot:Q9Z307
kir4.1 Protein uniprot:Q9jm63
KS-WNK1 Protein uniprot:P83741-7
WNK4 Protein uniprot:Q80UE6
Cab39 Protein uniprot:Q06138
SPAK Protein uniprot:Q9Z1W9
WNK1 Protein uniprot:P83741
CLC-K2 Protein uniprot:Q9WUB6
NCC Protein uniprot:P59158


  1. Roles and Regulation of Renal K Channels. Welling PA. Annu Rev Physiol. 2016;78:415–35. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia