mir-193a and MVP in colon cancer metastasis (WP3979)

Mus musculus

Proposed model for the mechanism of colon cancer metastasis to the liver involves exporting miR-193a via exosomes sorted by major vault protein (MVP). In pre-metastatic cells miR-193a suppresses mouse colon cancer progression by directly targeting Caprin1, which is known to positively regulate the cell cycle and cell proliferation. Higher levels of miR-193a in tumor cells causes of cell cycle G1 arrest and cell proliferation repression through reduction of Caprin1 expression. In metatstatic cells, increased levels of MVP leads to MVP-mediated selective sorting of tumor suppressor miRNA into exosomes, which promotes tumor progression.


Kristina Hanspers , Alex Pico , and Friederike Ehrhart


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Mus musculus




Pathway Ontology

altered cell cycle pathway microRNA pathway cancer pathway

Disease Ontology

colon cancer


Label Type Compact URI Comment
G3bp1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSMUSG00000018583
Caprin1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSMUSG00000027184
Mvp GeneProduct ensembl:ENSMUSG00000030681
Myc GeneProduct ensembl:ENSMUSG00000022346
Ccnd1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSMUSG00000070348
Ccnd2 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSMUSG00000000184


  1. MVP-mediated exosomal sorting of miR-193a promotes colon cancer progression. Teng Y, Ren Y, Hu X, Mu J, Samykutty A, Zhuang X, et al. Nat Commun. 2017 Feb 17;8:14448. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia