EV release from cardiac cells and their functional effects (WP3297)
Homo sapiens
Summary of reported extracellular vesicle (EV) release from cardiac cells in culture and their functional effects. EV release has been reported in numerous cell lines and primary cultures, both at baseline and in response to stimuli. Transfer of EVs between cell types has been demonstrated as well as delivery of cargo. Note that this pathway represents a review of multiple studies in multiple organisms. This pathway displays the human orthologs. HUVEC: human aortic endothelial cell HMEC-1: human microvascular endothelial cell HASMC: human aortic smooth muscle cell NRVM: neonatal rat ventricular myocyte. Adapted from Danielson KM, Das S. Extracellular Vesicles in Heart Disease: Excitement for the Future? Exosomes Microvesicles, 2014..
Kristina Hanspers , Susan Coort , Alex Pico , Marvin Martens , and Eric WeitzActivity
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Homo sapiensCommunities
Cell Type Ontology
cardiac muscle cell endothelial cell fibroblast monocytePathway Ontology
regulatory pathwayLabel | Type | Compact URI | Comment |
Homocysteine | Metabolite | hmdb:HMDB0000742 | |
Ox-LDL | Metabolite | chebi:60151 | |
Ethanol | Metabolite | hmdb:HMDB0000108 | |
ERBB4 | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000178568 | |
MIR143 | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000284182 | |
KLF2 | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000127528 | |
CXCL12 | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000107562 | |
Prolactin | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000172179 | |
RGS16 | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000143333 | |
C-Myb | GeneProduct | ensembl:ENSG00000118513 | |
hsa-miR-145-5p | GeneProduct | mirbase.mature:MIMAT0000437 |
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