N-glycan biosynthesis (WP5196)

Ovis aries

N-Glycan biosynthesis - Ovis Aries (Sheep)


ChristeldeVries , Egon Willighagen , Eric Weitz , and Alex Pico


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Pathway Ontology

glycan metabolic pathway N-linked glycan biosynthetic pathway lipid metabolic pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
(GlcNAc)2 (Man)2 (PP-Dol)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00004 Sometimes referred to as: - Alpha-D-Mannosyl-beta-D-mannosyl-diacetylchitobiosyldiphosphodolichol
(GlcNAc)2 (Man)7 (PP-Dol)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G10596
(GlcNAc)2 (Man)3 (PP-Dol)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00005
Dolichyl Beta-D-Glucosyl Phosphate Metabolite lipidmaps:LMPR03080014 Sometimes referred to as: - α-(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)-�‰-{4-[(β-D-glucopyranosyloxy)(hydroxy)phosphoryloxy]-2-methylbutyl}poly[(2E)-2-methylbut-2-ene-1,4-diyl] - Dolichyl beta-D-glucosyl phosphate
(Gal)2 (GlcNAc)4 (LFuc)1 (Man)3 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00017
(Gal)2 (GlcNAc)4 (LFuc)1 (Man)3 (Neu5Ac)2 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00018
Dolichyl Phosphate Metabolite lipidmaps:LMPR03080015 Sometimes referred to as: - Dolichol phosphate - Dolicholmonophosphate
(GlcNAc)6 (Man)3 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00021
N,N'-Chitobiosyldiphosphodolichol Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00002
(GlcNAc)2 (Man)9 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00011
(GlcNAc)5 (Man)3 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00020
(GlcNAc)2 (Man)5 (PP-Dol)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00006 Sometimes referred to as: - (alpha-D-Mannosyl)4-beta-D-mannosyl-diacetylchitobiosyldiphosphodolichol
(GlcNAc)3 (Man)3 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00014
(GlcNAc)2 (Man)8 (PP-Dol)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G10597
Dolichol Metabolite chebi:16091
(GlcNAc)4 (LFuc)1 (Man)3 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00016
(Glc)1 (GlcNAc)2 (Man)9 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00010
GDP-mannose Metabolite kegg.compound:C00096 Sometimes referred to as: - GDP mannose - GDP-mannose - GDP-alpha-D-mannose - Guanosine diphosphate mannose - The α-anomer of GDP-D-mannose
(Glc)1 (GlcNAc)2 (Man)9 (PP-Dol)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G10598
Beta-D-Mannosyldiacetylchitobiosyldiphosphodolichol Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00003
Ditrans,polycis-polyprenol Metabolite chebi:67132 In literature also simply refered to as polyprenol.
(GlcNAc)2 (Man)9 (PP-Dol)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00007
(Glc)3 (GlcNAc)2 (Man)9 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00009
(GlcNAc)7 (Man)3 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00022
(GlcNAc)2 (Man)5 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00012
Dolichyl phosphate D-mannose Metabolite pubchem.substance:6598 Sometimes referred to as: - Dolichyl phosphate D-mannose - Dolichyl D-mannosyl phosphate - Dolichyl beta-D-mannosyl phosphate
(GlcNAc)2 (Man)8 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G10694
(GlcNAc)4 (Man)3 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00015
N-Acetyl-D-glucosaminyldiphosphodolichol Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00001
(GlcNAc)2 (Man)4 (PP-Dol)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G10526
Dolichyl Diphosphate Metabolite lipidmaps:LMPR03090023 Sometimes referred to as: - Dolichol diphosphate
(Glc)2 (GlcNAc)2 (Man)9 (PP-Dol)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G10599
(Glc)3 (GlcNAc)2 (Man)9 (PP-Dol)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00008
(GlcNAc)3 (Man)5 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00013
(GlcNAc)5 (Man)3 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00019
(GlcNAc)2 (Man)6 (PP-Dol)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G10595
L-Asparagine Metabolite chebi:17196 Sometimes referred to as 'Asn-X-Ser/Thr' because oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) selects the Asn-X-Ser/Thr consensus sequence on polypeptide chains
(Glc)2 (GlcNAc)2 (Man)9 (Asn)1 Metabolite kegg.glycan:G00171
B4GALT3 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000009668 Sometimes referred to as: - Beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase 3
MGAT4A GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000013496 Sometimes referred to as: - alpha-1,3-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase A isoform X2 - alpha-1,3-mannosylglycoprotein beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase A
MGAT1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000016716 Sometimes referred to as: - Alpha-1,3-mannosyl-glycoprotein 2-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase - Alpha-1,3-mannosyl-glycoprotein beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
ALG13 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000017633 Putative bifunctional UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transferase and deubiquitinase ALG13 isoform X1.
MAN1C1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000005906 Sometimes referred to as: - Mannosidase alpha class 1C member 1 - Mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase IC isoform X1 - Alpha-1,2-Mannosidase
ALG5 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000010275 Sometimes referred to as: - ALG5 dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase - Dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase
LOC114113140 GeneProduct uniprot:A0A6P7DPQ4 Sometimes referred to as: - Sialyltransferase 1 - Beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 1-like
RPN1 GeneProduct ncbiprotein:XP_027813657 Sometimes referred to as: - Ribophorin I - Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit 1 - Oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit alpha
ALG3 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000020606 Sometimes referred to as: - Alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase - Dol-P-Man:Man(5)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase - ALG3 alpha-1,3- mannosyltransferase
MGAT4C GeneProduct uniprot:A0A6P7DXD1 Sometimes referred to as: - MGAT4 family member C - Alpha-1,3-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase C - Alpha-1,3-mannosylglycoprotein beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase C
MAN1A1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000008408 Sometimes referred to as: - Mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase IA - Mannosyl-oligosaccharide alpha-1,2-mannosidase - Mannosidase alpha class 1A member 1 - Alpha-1,2-Mannosidase
STT3A GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000011533 Sometimes referred to as: - STT3 oligosaccharyltransferase complex catalytic subunit A - dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit STT3A isoform X3 - Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycotransferase
ALG11 GeneProduct ncbiprotein:XP_004012140 Sometimes referred to as: - GDP-Man:Man(3)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase - Alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase
B4GALT1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000009544 Sometimes referred to as: - Beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase 1
ALG14 GeneProduct ncbiprotein:XP_027828046 Sometimes referred to as: - UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transferase subunit ALG14 homolog isoform X1 - beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
MAN1A2 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000020315 Sometimes referred to as: - Mannosidase alpha class 1A member 2 - Alpha-1,2-Mannosidase - Mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase IB - Mannosyl-oligosaccharide alpha-1,2-mannosidase
ALG12 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000019629 Sometimes referred to as: - Dol-P-Man:Man(7)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase - Alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase - ALG12 alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase
ST6GAL2 GeneProduct uniprot:A0A6P7DVZ4 Sometimes referred to as: - Beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 2 - Beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 2 isoform X1
MAN2A2 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000012575 Sometimes referred to as: - Alpha-mannosidase II - Alpha-mannosidase 2x isoform X1 - Mannosidase alpha class 2A member 2
ALG2 GeneProduct ncbiprotein:XP_004004274 Sometimes referred to as: - alpha-1,3/1,6-mannosyltransferase ALG2 - alpha-1,3/alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase
STT3B GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000014854 Sometimes referred to as: - STT3 oligosaccharyltransferase complex catalytic subunit B - dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit STT3B - Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycotransferase
MOGS GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000012692 Sometimes referred to as: - Mannosyl-oligosaccharide glucosidase
ALG8 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000006601 Sometimes referred to as: - Alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase - ALG8 alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase
DAD1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000019440 Sometimes referred to as: - Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit DAD1 - Oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit epsilon - Defender against cell death 1
MGAT3 GeneProduct uniprot:A0A6P7DZW7 Sometimes referred to as: - Beta-1,4-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase - Beta-1,4-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase isoform X3
MGAT2 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000000832 Sometimes referred to as: - Alpha-1,6-mannosyl-glycoprotein 2-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase - Alpha-1,6-mannosyl-glycoprotein beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
ALG1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000005002 Sometimes referred to as: - chitobiosyldiphosphodolichol beta-mannosyltransferase isoform X1 - chitobiosyldiphosphodolichol beta-mannosyltransferase
MGAT4B GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000002936 Sometimes referred to as: - Alpha-1,3-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase B isoform X1 - Alpha-1,3-mannosylglycoprotein beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase A/B
ALG9 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000014873
MGAT4D GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000012558 Sometimes referred to as: - MGAT4 family member D - alpha-1,3-mannosylglycoprotein beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase A/B - alpha-1,3-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-like protein MGAT4D
TUSC3 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000009678 Sometimes referred to as: - Tumor suppressor candidate 3 isoform X4 - Oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit gamma
ALG6 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000009650 Sometimes referred to as: - ALG6 alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase - Alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase
RPN2 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000017801 Sometimes referred to as: - Ribophorin II - Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit 2 isoform X2 - Oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit delta
ALG10 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000019292 Sometimes referred to as: - dol-P-Glc:Glc(2)Man(9)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase - alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase - ALG10 alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase
GANAB GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000015910 Sometimes referred to as: - Neutral alpha-glucosidase AB isoform X1 - Mannosyl-oligosaccharide alpha-1,3-glucosidase - Glucosidase II alpha subunit
MGAT5B GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000006412 Sometimes referred to as: - Alpha-1,6-mannosylglycoprotein 6-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase B isoform X1 - Mannosyl alpha-1,6-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferase, isozyme B - alpha-1,6-mannosylglycoprotein 6-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase B
MGAT5 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000011436 Sometimes referred to as: - Alpha-1,3(6)-mannosylglycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferase - Alpha-1,6-mannosylglycoprotein 6-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase A
DDOS GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000009017 Sometimes referred to as: - Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase 48 kDa subunit - Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase non-catalytic subunit
ST6GAL1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000020506 Sometimes referred to as: - Beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 1 - ST6 beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 1
FUT8 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSOARG00000021160 Sometimes referred to as: - Fucosyltransferase 8 - Alpha-(1,6)-fucosyltransferase
MAN1B1 GeneProduct uniprot:A0A6P7DSV8 Sometimes referred to as: - Endoplasmic reticulum mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase isoform X1 - Endoplasmic reticulum Man9GlcNAc2 1,2-alpha-mannosidase - Alpha-1,2-Mannosidase
Dolichyldiphosphatase Protein ncbiprotein:XP_027822123 Sometimes referred to as: - DOLPP1 - Dolichyldiphosphatase 1 isoform X5
DPAGT1 Protein ensembl:ENSOARG00000013201 Sometimes referred to as: - Dolichyl-phosphate N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase 1 - UDP-N-acetylglucosamine--dolichyl-phosphate N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase isoform X1 - ALG7 (=gene)
DMP2 Protein ensembl:ENSOARG00000011136 Sometimes referred to as: - Dolichol phosphate-mannose biosynthesis regulatory protein - Dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase subunit 2
DMP3 Protein ensembl:ENSOARG00000006665 Sometimes referred to as: - Dolichol-phosphate mannosyltransferase subunit 3
Dolichol Kinase Protein ensembl:ENSOARG00000019081 Sometimes referred to as: - DOLK
DPM1 Protein ensembl:ENSOARG00000013988 Sometimes referred to as: - Dolichol-phosphate mannosyltransferase subunit 1
Polyprenol Reductase Protein ensembl:ENSOARG00000001390 Also referred to as: - Steroid 5 alpha-reductase 3 - 3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 3 - polyprenol reductase isoform X3 From gene: - SRD5A3


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