Monoterpene biosynthesis pathway in mint (WP4701)
Vitis vinifera
Monoterpenes (C10) are the major group of compounds within the essential oils of the mint (Lamiaceae) family. Peppermint (Mentha × piperita)is considered a model system for the study of monoterpene metabolism, which main steps are depicted in this pathway. This pathway is annotated well enough for data analysis, however please do not add the “Approved Version” tag yet, since this allocates the PW to the incorrect species (grape vs mint). The WikiPathways team is working on a solution.
Aishwarya Vellanki , Marvin Martens , Denise Slenter , Friederike Ehrhart , and Eric WeitzActivity
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Vitis viniferaCommunities
Pathway Ontology
monoterpene biosynthetic pathwayLabel | Type | Compact URI | Comment |
(+)-Pulegone | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C09893 | |
(-)-Menthone | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C00843 | |
(+)-cis-Isopulegone | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C11951 | |
(+)-Isomenthone | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C11952 | |
(-)-trans-Carveol | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C00964 | |
(-)-trans-Isopiperitenol | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C01123 | |
(+)-Neomenthol | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C00553 | |
(-)-Limonene | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C00521 | |
(-)-Carvone | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C01767 | |
(-)-Menthol | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C00400 | |
(+)-Menthofuran | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C18025 | |
Geranyl diphosphate | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C00341 | |
PR | Protein | ncbiprotein:AAQ75423.1 | (+)-pulegone reductase ---------PulR-1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 3 Location Identifier: Mlong585_09229 Number of Introns: 4 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 3116 Homology to Canonical Genes: 95 % identity to Q6WAU0 ---------PulR-2------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 3 Location Identifier: Mlong585_09276 Number of Introns: 4 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 3116 Homology to Canonical Genes: 95 % identity to Q6WAU0 Mlong585_09276 ---------PulR-3------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 3 Location Identifier: Mlong585_09230 Number of Introns: 0 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: n/a Homology to Canonical Genes: pseudogene (premature stop codon) ---------PulR-L1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 2 Location Identifier: Mlong585_06346 Number of Introns: 4 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 153 Homology to Canonical Genes: 92 % identity to Q6WAU0 |
CDH | Protein | ncbiprotein:ABR15424.1 | (-)-trans-carveol dehydrogenase |
ISPR | Protein | ncbiprotein:AAQ75422.1 | (-)-trans-isopipertenone reductase (-)-Isopiperitenone reductase ---------ISPR-1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 11 Location Identifier: Mlong585_36604 Number of Introns: 4 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 20 Homology to Canonical Genes: 94 % identity to Q6WAU1 ---------ISPR-2------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 11 Location Identifier: Mlong585_36605 Number of Introns: 4 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 20 Homology to Canonical Genes: 99 % identity to Q6WAU1 |
MFS | Protein | ncbiprotein:ABW86890.1 | (+)-menthofuran synthase ---------MFS-L1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 2 Location Identifier: Mlong585_05231 Number of Introns: 2 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 1180 Homology to Canonical Genes: 90 % identity to Q947B7 |
MMR 1 | Protein | ncbiprotein:ANA95861.1 | (-)-methone:(-)-menthol reductase ---------MMR-L1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 11 Location Identifier: Mlong585_36607 Number of Introns: 6 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 107 Homology to Canonical Genes: 87 %identity to Q9XHE7 |
LS | Protein | ncbiprotein:AGN90912.1 | (-)-Limonene Synthase ---------LS-1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 5 Location Identifier: Mlong585_17628 Number of Introns: 6 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 5246 Homology to Canonical Genes: 98% identity to Q40322 ---------LS-2------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 5 Location Identifier: Mlong585_17636 Number of Introns: 6 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 5246 Homology to Canonical Genes: 98% identity to Q40322 |
MNR 1 | Protein | ncbiprotein:AAQ55959.1 | (-)-Menthone:(+)-isomenthol reductase-like ---------MNR-L1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 11 Location Identifier: Mlong585_36608 Number of Introns: 0 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: n/a Homology to Canonical Genes: pseudogene (premature stop codon) |
L3H | Protein | ncbiprotein:AIS36971.1 | (-)-Limonene 3-hydroxylase ---------L3H-1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 5 Location Identifier: Mlong585_17637 Number of Introns: 1 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 2281 Homology to Canonical Genes: 99 % identity to Q9XHE7 ---------L3H-2------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 5 Location Identifier: Mlong585_17629 Number of Introns: 1 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 2281 Homology to Canonical Genes: 99 % identity to Q9XHE7 ---------L3H-3------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 9 Location Identifier: Mlong585_30867 Number of Introns: 1 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 2475 Homology to Canonical Genes: 97 % identity to Q9XHE7 ---------L3H-4------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 9 Location Identifier: Mlong585_30867 Number of Introns: 1 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 2475 Homology to Canonical Genes: 97 % identity to Q9XHE7 |
L6H | Protein | ncbiprotein:AAT39473.1 | (-)-limonene 6-hydroxylase |
MMR 2 | Protein | ncbiprotein:ANA95861.1 | (-)-methone:(-)-menthol reductase ---------MMR-L1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 11 Location Identifier: Mlong585_36607 Number of Introns: 6 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: 107 Homology to Canonical Genes: 87 %identity to Q9XHE7 |
MNR 2 | Protein | ncbiprotein:AAQ55959.1 | (-)-Menthone:(+)-isomenthol reductase-like ---------MNR-L1------------ M. longifolia Chromosome: 11 Location Identifier: Mlong585_36608 Number of Introns: 0 Expression Level in Glandular Trichomes[TPM]: n/a Homology to Canonical Genes: pseudogene (premature stop codon |
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- (-)-Menthol biosynthesis and molecular genetics. Croteau RB, Davis EM, Ringer KL, Wildung MR. Naturwissenschaften. 2005 Dec;92(12):562–77. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia