Sleep regulation (WP3591)

Homo sapiens

This is currently not a pathway but a list of sleep related genes and proteins. The source for this information is the gene ontology. The genes and proteins were filtered for "sleep" annotation (taxon = homo sapiens). According to supplementary information they were clustered in major (neurotransmitters, hormons, appetite regulation and immune system) and minor groups.


Friederike Ehrhart and Martina Summer-Kutmon


last edited

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Homo sapiens



Pathway Ontology

regulatory pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
NPY2R GeneProduct uniprot:P49146
NPS GeneProduct uniprot:P0C0P6
ADA GeneProduct uniprot:P00813
CACNA1I GeneProduct uniprot:Q9P0X4
DRD3 GeneProduct uniprot:P35462
TH GeneProduct uniprot:P07101
DRD1 GeneProduct uniprot:P21728
SLC29A1 GeneProduct uniprot:Q99808
OXT GeneProduct uniprot:P01178
FOS GeneProduct uniprot:P01100
CST3 GeneProduct uniprot:P01034
HTR2A GeneProduct uniprot:P28223
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ADORA1 GeneProduct uniprot:P30542
OXTR GeneProduct uniprot:P30559
MTNR1B GeneProduct uniprot:P49286
ADORA2A GeneProduct uniprot:P29274
IL6 GeneProduct uniprot:P05231
STAR GeneProduct uniprot:P49675
GRIN2A GeneProduct uniprot:Q12879
NPAS2 GeneProduct uniprot:Q99743
DLAT GeneProduct uniprot:P10515
CHRNB2 GeneProduct uniprot:P17787
UTS2R GeneProduct uniprot:Q9UKP6
BTBD9 GeneProduct uniprot:Q96Q07
PTGDR GeneProduct uniprot:Q13258
DRD2 GeneProduct uniprot:P14416
PTGDS GeneProduct uniprot:P41222
GHRL GeneProduct uniprot:Q9UBU3
CRH GeneProduct uniprot:P06850
HCRTR1 GeneProduct uniprot:A6NMV7
IL18 GeneProduct uniprot:Q14116
HCRTR2 GeneProduct uniprot:O43614
HCRTR1 GeneProduct uniprot:O43613
NLGN1 GeneProduct uniprot:Q8N2Q7
PER3 GeneProduct uniprot:P56645
GHRH GeneProduct uniprot:P01286
UTS2 GeneProduct uniprot:O95399
MRGPRX2 GeneProduct uniprot:Q96LB1
