TCA cycle (plant) (WP3009)

Oryza sativa

The TCA cycle mediates the catabolism of acetyl-CoA to yield two molecules of CO2 and reducing equivalents in the form of NADH + H+ and FADH2. In plants, it is also an important source of carbon skeletons for biosynthetic reactions. Description from Plant Reactome. Developed by Source:Plant Reactome.


Anwesha Bohler , Eric Weitz , Kristina Hanspers , and Egon Willighagen


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Oryza sativa



Pathway Ontology

classic metabolic pathway citric acid cycle pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
NADH Metabolite chebi:16908
CO2 Metabolite chebi:16526
QH2 Metabolite chebi:17976
MAL Metabolite chebi:30797
H+ Metabolite chebi:15378
CoA-SH Metabolite chebi:15346
Ac-CoA Metabolite chebi:15351
FUMA Metabolite chebi:18012
NAD+ Metabolite chebi:15846
ADP Metabolite chebi:16761
Pi Metabolite chebi:18367
SUCC-CoA Metabolite chebi:15380
OA Metabolite chebi:30744
SUCCA Metabolite chebi:15741
PYR Metabolite chebi:32816
ISCIT Metabolite chebi:151
CoQ Metabolite chebi:16389
2OG Metabolite chebi:30915
H2O Metabolite chebi:15377
CIT Metabolite chebi:30769
ATP Metabolite chebi:15422
ACO Protein reactome:1121696 Facilitates the conversion of 2-isopropylmalate to 3-isopropylmalate.
CSY Protein reactome:1121841 Catalyzes the conversion of Acetyl-CoA to Citric acid.
Malate dehydrogenase(decarboxylating) Protein reactome:5146764 Catalyzes the conversion of (S)-malate to pyruvate.
FUM1(LOC_Os03g21950.1) Protein uniprot:Q10LR5 Catalyzes the convertion of fumaric acid into malate.
MDH Protein reactome:1122020


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