Superpathway of serine and glycine biosynthesis (WP218)

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

There are several pathways for serine and glycine biosynthesis in S. cerevisiae. When glucose is used as the carbon source, glycine can be synthesized from threonine via threonine aldolase (Gly1p) in the threonine pathway, while serine can be synthesized from the glycolytic intermediate 3-phosphoglycerate in the phosphoglycerate pathway. Expression of the genes involved in the latter pathway decreases upon depletion of glucose. When ethanol or other non-fermentable substrates are used as the carbon source, S. cerevisiae can alternatively synthesize glycine from glyoxylate via alanine glyoxylate aminotransferase (Agx1p). Glycine and serine produced in these pathways can be interconverted to one another via the tetrahydrofolate-dependent serine hydroxymethyltransferases Shm1p and Shm2p. Between these, the cytoplasmic isoform Shm2p serves as the major source of glycine (via serine breakdown) in serine-rich conditions. The mitochondrial isoform Shm1p may also contribute to glycine synthesis, however it preferentially catalyzes serine synthesis from glycine under conditions of serine starvation. Description from


Jessica Heckman , Daniela Digles , Egon Willighagen , Eric Weitz , and Kristina Hanspers


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Saccharomyces cerevisiae



Pathway Ontology

glycine metabolic pathway classic metabolic pathway serine metabolic pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
L-serine Metabolite cas:56-45-1
L-glycine Metabolite cas:56-40-6
NADH Metabolite cas:53-84-9
L-glutamate Metabolite cas:56-86-0
H2O Metabolite chebi:15377
3-phospho-D-glycerate Metabolite chebi:58272
NAD+ Metabolite chebi:57540
H+ Metabolite chebi:15378
3-phosphooxypyruvate Metabolite chebi:18110
2-oxoglutarate Metabolite chebi:16810
3-phospho-L-serine Metabolite chebi:57524
phosphate Metabolite chebi:43474
L-alanine Metabolite chebi:57972
a tetrahydrofolate Metabolite kegg.compound:C03541
glyoxylate Metabolite chebi:36655
pyruvate Metabolite chebi:15361
L-threonine Metabolite chebi:57926
acetaldehyde Metabolite chebi:15343
SER1 GeneProduct sgd:S000005710
SER3 GeneProduct sgd:S000000883
SHM1 GeneProduct sgd:S000000467
SER2 GeneProduct sgd:S000003440
SHM2 GeneProduct sgd:S000004048
SER33 GeneProduct sgd:S000001336
AGX1 GeneProduct sgd:S000001864
GLY1 GeneProduct sgd:S000000772


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