SMC1/SMC3 role in DNA damage - Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (WP5118)

Homo sapiens

Role of cohesin subunits SMC1 and SMC3 during DNA damage response.


Alp Irkilmez , Eric Weitz , Lars Willighagen , and Martina Summer-Kutmon


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Homo sapiens



Disease Ontology

Cornelia de Lange syndrome

Pathway Ontology

disease pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
SMC3 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000108055
RAD21 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000164754
SMC1A GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000072501
BRCA1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000012048
NBN GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000104320
MRE11 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000020922
RAD50 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000113522
ATM GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000149311
ATM GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000149311 While SMC1A is specifically phosphorylated by phosphorylated ATM, no information was found on if the same applies to SMC3.
PAXIP1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000157212
RAD18 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000070950
MDC1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSG00000137337


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