Glucosinolate biosynthesis from methionine (WP4597)
Arabidopsis thaliana
This pathway describes the glucosinolate derived from methionine in Arabidopsis thaliana. This is based on the KEGG pathway and PlantCyc. Some pathway entities are unknown and being investigated, these are denoted as “Catalyst” and “Metabolite” for now.
Mikiko Takahashi , Atsushi Fukushima , Kristina Hanspers , Martina Summer-Kutmon , and Eric WeitzActivity
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Arabidopsis thalianaCommunities
Pathway Ontology
classic metabolic pathwayLabel | Type | Compact URI | Comment |
3-(Methylsulfinyl)propyl-glucosinolate | Metabolite | chebi:5406 | |
3-Hydroxypropyl-glucosinolate | Metabolite | knapsack:C00007340 | |
Methionine | Metabolite | knapsack:C00001379 | |
3-Sinapoyloxypropyl-glucosinolate | Metabolite | pubchem.compound:90657803 | |
2-Benzoyloxy-3-butenyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | pubchem.compound:90657992 | |
S-(4-Methylthiobutylthiohydroximoyl)-L-cysteine | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17242 | |
2-Oxo-4-methylthiobutanoic acid | Metabolite | hmdb:HMDB0001553 | |
Homomethionine | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17213 | |
2-(2'-Methylthio)ethylmalic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17210 | |
2-Propenyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | chebi:79317 | |
3-Methylthiopropyl-desulfoglucosinolate | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17244 | |
3-Benzoyloxypropyl-glucosinolate | Metabolite | knapsack:C00007358 | |
2-Oxo-5-methylthiopentanoic acid | Metabolite | chebi:50260 | |
3-(2'-Methylthio)ethylmalic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17212 | |
4-Methylthiobutanaldoxime | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17241 | |
3-Methylthiopropyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | chebi:79326 | |
4-Methylthiobutylthiohydroximate | Metabolite | chebi:80984 | |
2-(3'-Methylthio)propylmalic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17214 | |
2-Oxo-6-methylthiopentanoic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17216 | |
3-(3'-Methylthio)propylmalic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17215 | |
Dihomomethionine | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17217 | |
5-Methylthiopentanaldoxime | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17241 | |
4-Methylthiobutyl-desulfoglucosinolate | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17248 | |
4-Methylthiobutyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C08409 | |
3-Butenyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | knapsack:C00007586 | |
4-Hydroxybutyl-glucosinolate | Metabolite | knapsack:C00007342 | |
4-(Methylsulfinyl)butyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | knapsack:C00007545 | |
4-Benzoyloxybutyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | knapsack:C00007359 | |
2-Hydroxy 3-butenyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | knapsack:C00001486 | |
4-Sinapoyloxybutyl-glucosinolate | Metabolite | pubchem.compound:46173533 | |
2-Sinapoyloxy-3-butenyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | pubchem.compound:90658722 | |
2-(4'-Methylthio)butylmalic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17218 | |
2-Oxo-7-methylthioheptanoic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17220 | |
3-(4'-Methylthio)butylmalic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17219 | |
Trihomomethionine | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17221 | |
6-Methylthiohexanaldoxime | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17246 | |
5-Methylthiopentyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C08401 | |
2-(5'-Methylthio)pentylmalic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17222 | |
2-Oxo-8-methylthiooctanoic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17224 | |
3-(5'-Methylthio)pentylmalic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17223 | |
Tetrahomomethionine | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17225 | |
7-Methylthioheptanaldoxime | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17249 | |
6-Methylthiohexyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17250 | |
2-(7'-Methylthio)heptylmalic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17230 | |
2-Oxo-10-methylthiodecanoic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17232 | |
3-(7'-Methylthio)heptylmalic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17231 | |
2-(6'-Methylthio)hexylmalic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17226 | |
2-Oxo-9-methylthiononanoic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17228 | |
3-(6'-Methylthio)hexylmalic acid | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17227 | |
Pentahomomethionine | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17229 | |
8-Methylthiooctanaldoxime | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17251 | |
7-Methylthioheptyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17252 | |
7-Methylthioheptyl-desulfoglucosinolate | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C21650 | |
Hexahomomethionine | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17233 | |
9-Methylthiononanaldoxime | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17253 | |
8-Methylthiooctyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C17254 | |
8-Methylthiooctyl-desulfoglucosinolate | Metabolite | kegg.compound:C21746 | |
5-(Methylsulfinyl)pentyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | knapsack:C00007345 | |
6-(Methylsulfinyl)hexyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | knapsack:C00007348 | |
7-(Methylsulfinyl)heptyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | knapsack:C00007352 | |
8-(Methylsulfinyl)octyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | knapsack:C00007355 | |
4-Pentenyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | chebi:79318 | |
9-(Methylsulfinyl)nonyl glucosinolate | Metabolite | knapsack:C00007832 | |
CYP79F1 | GeneProduct | | |
MAM1 | GeneProduct | | |
BCAT4 | GeneProduct | | |
BCAT3 | GeneProduct | | |
CYP83A1 | GeneProduct | | |
SUR1 | GeneProduct | | |
UGT74B1 | GeneProduct | | |
IIL1 | GeneProduct | | |
IMD1 | GeneProduct | | |
IMS2 | GeneProduct | | |
CYP79F2 | GeneProduct | | |
IPMI2 | GeneProduct | | |
IPMI1 | GeneProduct | | |
SOT18 | GeneProduct | | |
SOT17 | GeneProduct | | |
SOT16 | GeneProduct | |
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