Humoral immune response to fungal and bacterial pathogens (WP3660)

Drosophila melanogaster

Pathways regulating Drosophila’s humoral response to bacterial and fungal pathogens. Pathogens such as fungal B-1-3-glucans and virulence factors illicit signalling pathways through receptors on body fat cells of Drosophila Melanogaster (Protein Toll, PGRP-LC, and Domeless). The activation of receptors initiates pathways that increase transcription of antimicrobial agents and thioester proteins. This pathway is based on figure 1 from Igboin et al.


AAR&Co , Jonathan Mélius , Kristina Hanspers , and Eric Weitz


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Drosophila melanogaster



Pathway Ontology

immune response pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
PGRP-LC GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0035976
upd3 GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0053542
PGRP-SD GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0035806
Rel GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0014018
Dredd GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0020381
imd GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0013983
spz GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0003495
psh GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0030926
GNBP3 GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0040321
Tl GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0262473
GNBP1 GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0040323
Myd88 GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0033402
Tak1 GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0026323
Jak GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0004864
pll GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0010441
PGRP-SA GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0030310
ird5 GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0024222
Diap2 GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0015247
Fadd GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0038928
tub GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0003882
Tab2 GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0086358
SPE GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0039102
Domeless GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0043903
key GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0041205
Stat GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0016917
Dif GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0011274
cact GeneProduct ensembl:FBgn0000250
Diptericin Protein uniprot:P24492
Dorsal Protein uniprot:C7LA93 Dorsal Not Specified
Drosomycin Protein uniprot:P41964


  1. The Drosophila melanogaster host model. Igboin CO, Griffen AL, Leys EJ. J Oral Microbiol. 2012;4:10.3402/jom.v4i0.10368. PubMed Europe PMC Scholia