Interferon type I signaling pathways (WP3213)

Bos taurus

The type I IFNs (IFNα family, IFNβ, IFNω, IFNε and IFNκ) all bind to and signal via the type I IFN receptor complex. The type I receptor consists of two main IFNAR1, IFNAR2c receptor chains and other accessory proteins. The pathway above (WP585) describes the Type I Interferon signaling pathways and shows both classical IFN signaling via the JAK-STAT pathway (dark lines) and other non-canonical IFN signaling pathways.


Martina Summer-Kutmon and Egon Willighagen


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Bos taurus



Pathway Ontology

Jak-Stat signaling pathway immune response pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
GTP Metabolite chebi:15996
GDP Metabolite chebi:17552
CRK GeneProduct ensembl:ENSBTAG00000005665 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:1398
PTPN6 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSBTAG00000020294 SHP1
HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:5777
JAK1 GeneProduct ensembl:ENSBTAG00000003147 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:3716
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PDCD4 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000019434 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:27250
STAT3 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000021523 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:6774
IRS1 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000021308 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:3667
SOCS1 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000004386 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:8651
SOCS3 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000008441 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:9021
HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:3454
STAT1 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000007867 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:6772
STAT2 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000004380 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:6773
EIF4B Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000006883 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:1975
PIK3CD Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000018984 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:5293
RAC1 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000009233 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:5879
MAP2K3 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000010576 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:5606
STAT4 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000046699 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:6775
RPS6KA4 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000039153 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:8986
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EIF4A1 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000000132 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:1973
REL Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000015386 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:5966
CREB1 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000005474 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:1385
STAT5A Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000009496 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:6776
PRMT1 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000001357 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:3276
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RPS6KA5 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000010906 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:9252
PIK3R1 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000010989 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:5295
VAV1 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000039160 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:7409
RPS6 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000014449 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:6194
MAP3K1 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000013790 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:4214
GNB2L1 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000019648 RACK1
HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:10399
MAPK14 Protein ensembl:ENSBTAG00000020783 HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:1432
HomologyConvert: Homo sapiens to Bos taurus: Original ID = L:3455


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