UDP-L-arabinose biosynthesis I from UDP-xylose (WP3015)

Arabidopsis thaliana

This event has been computationally inferred from an event that has been demonstrated in another species. The inference is based on Ensembl Compara orthology projection. Briefly, reactions for which all involved PhysicalEntities (in input, output and catalyst) have a mapped ortholog or paralog are inferred to the other species. High-level events are also inferred for these events to allow for easier navigation. Source: Plant Reactome.


Anwesha Bohler , Eric Weitz , and Egon Willighagen


last edited

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Arabidopsis thaliana



Pathway Ontology

metabolic pathway of secondary metabolites


Label Type Compact URI Comment
UDP-Xyl Metabolite chebi:16082
UDP-L-arabinose Metabolite chebi:17983
Homologues of NADdependentepimerase/dehydratasefamily domaincontaining protein(LOC_OS04G52730.1) Protein reactome:5400401
