Role of lipid metabolism (WP2915)

Caenorhabditis elegans

“Lipases regulate life span in C. elegans. Several lipases, K04A8.5, LIPS-7, FIL-1, FIL-2, and ATGL-1, have been demonstrated to influence the lifespan of C. elegans. The figure depicts the mechanisms by which these lipases are regulated and the pathways by which they affect longevity. Well fed animals were shown to live longer during germline stem cell (GSC) arrest. This phenotype depends on K04A8.5 lipase activity, which was suggested to be promoted by the KRI-1/DAF-16 signalling pathway. Additionally, a ctbp-1 mutant also displayed increased lifespan during well fed conditions. It was proposed that this NAD(H)-dependent corepressor, CTBP-1, acted downstream of SIR2.1 and DAF-2 but up stream of DAF-16. One of its target genes lips-7 encodes a lipase and is required for the increased life span of ctbp-1 mutants. IRE-1 and HSP-4, which are normally involved in the unfolded protein response, are required for expression of FIL-1 and FIL-2 during starvation. The two transcription regulators, SBP-1 and CBP-1, are likewise required for FIL-1 and FIL-2 induction. The a2 catalytic subunit of AMP-dependent kinase (AMPK) regulates the activity of the C. elegans paralogue of the adipose triglyceride lipase, ATGL-1, during the dauer stage. AMPK is regulated by AMP levels and by phosphorylation by human homologue of LKB1 kinase PAR-4.” Fig 1. Elle, et al., 2010. Fat storage genes identified in McKay et al., 2003.


Karen Yook , Linda Rieswijk , Eric Weitz , Ulas Babayigit , and Egon Willighagen


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Caenorhabditis elegans




Pathway Ontology

lipid metabolic pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
ATP Metabolite chebi:15422
LPD-5 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00003061
LPD-6 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00003062
CCO-1/LPD-4 GeneProduct wormbase:F26E4.9
LPD-3 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00003060
SIR-2.1/SIR2.1 GeneProduct wormbase:R11A8.4
LPD-9 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00003065
MAC-1 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00003119
LPD-8 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00003064
LPD-7 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00003063
SBP-1 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00004735
CBP-1 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00000366
HSP-4 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00002008
ATGL-1 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00015484
PhosphorylatedAAK-2 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00020142
PAR-4 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00003919
KRI-1 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00013955
lips-7 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00015645
DAF-16 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00000912
CTBP-1 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00006424
DAF-2 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00000898
lipl-4 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00019376
DAF-16 translocation to nucleus GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00000912
fil-1 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00011321
IRE-1 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00002147
Phosphorylation ofAAK-2 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00000912
AAK-2 GeneProduct ensembl:WBGene00020142


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