Vascular smooth muscle contraction (WP2912)

Bos taurus

Vascular smooth muscle refers to the particular type of smooth muscle found within, and composing the majority of the wall of blood vessels. The main function of vascular smooth muscle tonus is to regulate the caliber of the blood vessels in the body. Excessive vasoconstriction leads to high blood pressure, while excessive vasodilation as in shock leads to low blood pressure (


Zahra Roudbari , Martina Summer-Kutmon , Jonathan Mélius , and Marianthi Kalafati


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Bos taurus



Pathway Ontology

regulatory pathway


Label Type Compact URI Comment
Ca2+ Metabolite chebi:29108
CAMP Metabolite chebi:17489
Angiotensin II Metabolite chebi:2719
BNP Metabolite chebi:80234
IP3 Metabolite chebi:16595
ANP Metabolite chebi:80233
PGI2 Metabolite chebi:15552
Arachidonate Metabolite chebi:15843
Norepinephrine Metabolite chebi:18357
Adrenomedullin Metabolite chebi:80339
K+ Metabolite chebi:29103
EET Metabolite chebi:34157
DAG Metabolite chebi:18035
20-HETE Metabolite chebi:34306
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CNP Metabolite chebi:80235
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PPP1R12B GeneProduct ensembl:ENSBTAG00000011772
