WikiPathways WP2324
- WikiPathways: WP2324 (classic)
- Species: Homo sapiens
- Scholia: WP2324
- CASMetabolitesTests: all 2 tests OK!
- ChEBIMetabolitesTests: all 5 tests OK!
- ChemSpiderTests: all 2 tests OK!
- DataNodesTests
- dataNodesWithoutIdentifier: .x we found 1 problem(s):
- unknownTypes_knownDatasource: .. all OK!
- unknownTypes: .. all OK!
- unknownTypes_Reactome: .. all OK!
- otherDataSource: .. all OK!
- EnsemblTests: all 4 tests OK!
- GeneTests: all 5 tests OK!
- GeneralTests: all 15 tests OK!
- HMDBSecMetabolitesTests: all 3 tests OK!
- InteractionTests
- noMetaboliteToNonMetaboliteConversions: .. all OK!
- noNonMetaboliteToMetaboliteConversions: .. all OK!
- noGeneProteinConversions: .. all OK!
- nonNumericIDs: .. all OK!
- interactionsWithLabels: .x we found 1 problem(s):
- possibleTranslocations: .. all OK!
- noProteinProteinConversions: .. all OK!
- incorrectKEGGIdentifiers: .. all OK!
- KEGGMetaboliteTests: all 2 tests OK!
- LIPIDMAPSTests: all 1 tests OK!
- MetaboliteStructureTests: all 1 tests OK!
- MetabolitesTests: all 15 tests OK!
- OudatedDataSourcesTests: all 24 tests OK!
- PathwayTests: all 8 tests OK!
- ProteinsTests: all 2 tests OK!
- PubChemMetabolitesTests: all 3 tests OK!
- ReferencesTests
- nonNumericPubMedIDs: .. all OK!
- unexpectedPubMedIdentifier: .. all OK!
- zeroPubMedIDs: .. all OK!
- atLeastOneReference: .x we found 1 problem(s):
- citesRetractedArticle: .. all OK!
- outdatedPubMedIdentifiers: .. all OK!
- UniProtTests: all 5 tests OK!
- WikidataTests: all 4 tests OK!
- Number of test classes: 20
- Number of tests: 120
- Number of assertions: 241
- Number of fails: 3
Data nodes without an identifier
The following DataNodes have no identifier: 16
More details at https://www.wikipathways.org/WikiPathwaysCurator/DataNodesTests/dataNodesWithoutIdentifier
Interactions with Labels
Interactions found that involve Labels: 32
More details at https://www.wikipathways.org/WikiPathwaysCurator/InteractionTests/interactionsWithLabels
At least one reference
Found 1 pathways with zero (PubMed) references
More details at https://www.wikipathways.org/WikiPathwaysCurator/ReferencesTests/atLeastOneReference