
WikiPathways WP1453



Interactions with Labels

Interactions found that involve Labels: 23

Two somatic gonadal cells are specified to become the anchor cell through an AC/UV decision.” with graphId fd681

A signal from the gonad and signaling among the VPCs specifies three VPCs to generate vulval cells. Two types of vulval lineages, 1° and 2°, generate distinct sets of vulval cell progeny. Uninduced VPCs generate a 3° lineage, which make cells that fuse with the epidermis hyp7 cell. The VPCs adopt their fates in a precise spatial pattern of 3°-3°-2°-1°-2°-3°.” with graphId a19d2

The seven types of vulval cells invaginate, and sequentially form seven distinct toroids, connects to the uterus, and everts as the hermaphrodite molts to adulthood. “ with graphId c26a2

The anchor cell extends a process to the center of the vulF cells and forms a hole in the epidermis.” with graphId eae09

Unique patterns of gene expression are established among 22 nuclei to generate distinct cell biology in cells of seven types vulA, vulB1, vulB2, vulC, VulD, vulE, and vulF, which will go on to make the adult vulva.” with graphId b49e8

The anchor cell (AC) induces the six pi cells to generate the utse cell and uv1 cells. The AC ultimately fuses with the utse cell, the uv1 cells attach to the vulF cells.” with graphId ba551

Six vulval precursor cells (VPCs) are specified among the 11 Pn.p cells.” with graphId aa0dd

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