
ChEBI identifier without a match in Wikidata

This ChEBI identifier is used in WikiPathways but it does not have a known entry in Wikidata.

Why does this fail show up?

If the used ChEBI identifier exists in ChEBI, then there is nothing wrong with WikiPathways and no curation is needed in WikiPathways.

This test fails if the latest BridgeDb metabolite identifier mapping does not have a mapping. The cause can be that the lipid is not listed in Wikidata yet, or that the BridgeDb file did not capture it yet.

Curation action

This test is really aimed a curation of Wikidata and ChEBI. You can check if the chemical is found in Wikidata by searching for the chemical in Wikidata or Wikipedia by name. If it is there, then please let the BridgeDb metabolite ID mapping database developers know this in their issue tracker.