T-cell activation SARS-CoV-2 (Work in Progress) [-:-] This database type is not implemented yet: ChEBI compound; resource: CHEBI:29108 [-:-] This database type is not implemented yet: ChEBI compound; resource: CHEBI:29108 [LINE:id6e8b4cd] Invalid interaction type. [TBAR:idd590bb87] Invalid interaction type. [TBAR:id2c619dcb] Invalid interaction type. [TRANSCRIPTION_TRANSLATION:ab68f] Invalid interaction type. [TBAR:id6abffb2c] Invalid interaction type. [LINE:idbe467704] Invalid interaction type. [TRANSCRIPTION_TRANSLATION:edc5b] Invalid interaction type. [TBAR:idb1b54847] Invalid interaction type. [LINE:id361cfed2] Invalid interaction type. [TRANSCRIPTION_TRANSLATION:d2ba0] Invalid interaction type. [TBAR:idf018b9aa] Invalid interaction type. [TBAR:ida42d85bc] Invalid interaction type. [CATALYSIS:f9ba0] Invalid interaction type. [TRANSCRIPTION_TRANSLATION:iddb78dc63] Invalid interaction type. [CATALYSIS:ea4c8] Invalid interaction type. [CATALYSIS:ida7f3f815] Invalid interaction type. [TBAR:id4f650a03] Invalid interaction type. [:f9789] Shape can not be part of reaction. Tranforming to Unknown [HeterodimerAssociationReaction:b0c58] Reaction should contain at least 2 reactants. GraphId: b0c58 [HeterodimerAssociationReaction:idf2f4332b] Reaction should contain at least 2 reactants. GraphId: idf2f4332b [HeterodimerAssociationReaction:c8857] Reaction should contain at least 2 reactants. GraphId: c8857 [BiopaxReference:f2c] Biopax publication doesn't exist. [HeterodimerAssociationReaction:id92b5491d] Reaction should contain at least 2 reactants. GraphId: id92b5491d [BiopaxReference:d4e] Biopax publication doesn't exist. [BiopaxReference:cda] Biopax publication doesn't exist. [HeterodimerAssociationReaction:id38f5719c] Reaction should contain at least 2 reactants. GraphId: id38f5719c [BiopaxReference:df3] Biopax publication doesn't exist. [HeterodimerAssociationReaction:fa63d] Reaction should contain at least 2 reactants. GraphId: fa63d [PositiveInfluenceReaction:f9ba0] Reaction should contain only one reactant and one product. [HeterodimerAssociationReaction:a5071] Reaction should contain at least 2 reactants. GraphId: a5071 [Complex:c272a] Empty element is invalid [Complex:b1a19] Empty element is invalid [Complex:c2a88] Empty element is invalid [Complex:ba94c] Empty element is invalid [Complex:eebb8] Empty element is invalid [Complex:a6545] Empty element is invalid