Terms of Use


If you are like us, issues about licensing, copyrights and trademarks are boring at best and quickly become frustratingly opaque. At the same time, we recognize that they are important issues, especially when it comes to promoting and protecting data sharing in scientific domains. So, we have done our homework here at WikiPathways and have decided to adopt the Creative Commons CC0 waiver for our content. We are going to do our best to explain the strategy in clear terms below. Please feel free to give us feedback on these issues and voice your opinions and questions on the WikiPathways discussion board.

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The License/Waiver

WikiPathways content is covered by the Creative Commons CC0 Waiver, which states that you are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) and remix (adapt) the work. Refer to the original announcement for additional history and context. Our terms of use covers the ethical and social norms for attribution that we expect from research communities. For any reuse or distribution, we would appreciate that you make clear to others the CC0 terms for the work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web page. Again, this license is fairly permissive, so you shouldn't feel paralyzed by legalese if you are interested in using or redistributing WikiPathways content. Just be sure to read the terms of use and if you have any questions about fair use, don't hesitate to contact us. A detailed FAQ on CC0 can be found here, which was written by the Wikimedia community.

Terms of Use


When editing an existing pathway or creating a new pathway, your contributions to WikiPathways content should reflect your best understanding of the biology you are representing. Whenever possible, contributions should be referenced by published, peer-reviewed literature. You can manually transcribe content from the following resources with appropriate attribution:


You can download WikiPathways content in any of the available data and image formats we provide, including but not limited to: gpml, mapp, text, eu.gene, html, png, svg, jpeg.


You are free to use the pathway images in presentations, documents, websites and publications. You are free to use the pathway data in analyses, qualitative or quantitative. We appreciate it if you cite or give appropriate attribution to WikiPathways, since we believe this to be in accordance with community and professional norms and standards of all science domains.


You are free to redistribute WikiPathways content on your website, as part of your own resource, with your own software application. You are free to charge for services associated with WikiPathways content, but we would be very disappointed if you would charge users for the content it self, since the content is freely available on WikiPathways. This does not prevent you from redistributing the content on a CD or as a digital download along with software that you are charging for, however we would appreciate that you make clear that the content is free and freely available from WikiPathways.org. This does not prevent you from charging for services including additional curation, modification or analysis of the content, but we sincerely hope that you make clear that the content is free and freely available from WikiPathways.org. You may even sell modified versions of the images of the pathway content, e.g., as art, on your website, and we would love you to make clear that the content is free and freely available from WikiPathways.org. We think you get the idea: we would not be happy if you are making money of content, which other users freely donated to the community. So please, be a good person and do not charge for the content as provided by WikiPathways and if you do associate the content with something you are are selling, add a statement to make clear that the content is free and freely available from WikiPathways.org. See Attribution below

Adapting, Dissecting, Augmenting

You are free to download, use and redistribute any part of a given pathway at WikiPathways according to the Terms of Use. You are free to augment, extend and build upon the content outside of WikiPathways and then use or redistribute according to the Terms of Use. You are free to edit, subtract from and change the content outside of WikiPathways and then use or redistribute according to the Terms of Use. Of course, we believe it is better to make edits directly to the content within WikiPathways itself, to grow the content and share alike, but this is not strictly required. If there is a feature or function you require in order to perform an edit to the content, do not hesitate to contact us and participate in the design and implementation of the new feature yourself. This is an open source project, after all!